Power mirror replacement glass? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power mirror replacement glass?


New Member
February 7, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
new jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 mountaineer
I recently bought a 99 mountaineer and the glass from the passenger side mirror is missing. It doesn't look like the clips are broken so I ordered replacement glass for a power mirror from a local Advanced. The part came in, but it doesn't have any clips on the back, just some double sided tape. I tried to play with it but I dont even think there is a way to rig it on there. Is there anyway to get the correct glass? (I dont think the mirrors are heated, but how can I tell for sure?)

If the driver side mirror is heated then the passenger side is also (at least in my case) you can tell because the mirror itself says "heated".
