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Power Steering Pump


Well-Known Member
December 19, 2007
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'91 4DR XLT
my X is making the imfamous power steering whine. i am planning on replacing it with the $50 replacement at autozoo. is that all there is to it? or is there a filter i can replace that may be causing the whine

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most of these trucks steering whine. Even after you replace the pump the noise can still be there.

Move up to a Saginaw pump. NAPA has a direct bolt-in version if you find a friendly counter man willing to spend a bit of time digging.

The Saginaw pumps are a GM item, and do a much better job than the Ford part. Even Ford realizes this, as they run the Sag pumps on their E250 vans and "big" cars like the Lincoln, Mercury, etc.

This is supposed to be the correct number to cross over to the Explorer: NSP206244

Here's what comes up on NAPA PRO:



I'm not sure if you want to spend the extra money but autozone also offers a better power steering pump made by AGR.
I dont know if its a saginaw or not.

saginaw, thats good to know

You could try flushing the system and then refilling with synthetic fluid. Never hurts to flush it. A guy here in town that rebuilds pumps said if it is making noise but works, then do not mess with it. I replaced mine with the fifty dollar autozone one, I guess I was lucky, the noise went away. Nice to have people not staring at me because of that pump whine

You could try flushing the system and then refilling with synthetic fluid. Never hurts to flush it. A guy here in town that rebuilds pumps said if it is making noise but works, then do not mess with it. I replaced mine with the fifty dollar autozone one, I guess I was lucky, the noise went away. Nice to have people not staring at me because of that pump whine

been there done that. new fluid didnt help.

it may have been the freezer out by the gas station, but i thought i heard some screeching as well.

the good thing about autozoo is i can take back any parts if they dont work. just wash it out real good ;)

Move up to a Saginaw pump. NAPA has a direct bolt-in version if you find a friendly counter man willing to spend a bit of time digging.

The Saginaw pumps are a GM item, and do a much better job than the Ford part. Even Ford realizes this, as they run the Sag pumps on their E250 vans and "big" cars like the Lincoln, Mercury, etc.

This is supposed to be the correct number to cross over to the Explorer: NSP206244

Here's what comes up on NAPA PRO:



youre sayin that sag is only 50 bucks (after i turn in the old one ofc) ?
