Power window problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power window problem


New Member
September 17, 2022
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City, State
Moncks Corner, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 explorer
The drivers door power window doesn't work. I have power to switch and when I position switch either in up or down I have power to both sides at the same time. The switch has been replaced and the problem stayed the same. Any ideas?

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Regulator has failed. Does it even try to move? Did it begin to make noise?

Regulator has failed. Does it even try to move? Did it begin to make noise?
The motor works, if I hold the button and stick the probe into the other connection the window will operate. Today when leaving for church the window went down as soon as my wife started the car but wouldn't go back up. When leaving church the window went back up when she started the car. In both cases today she never touched the window switch.

The motor works, if I hold the button and stick the probe into the other connection the window will operate. Today when leaving for church the window went down as soon as my wife started the car but wouldn't go back up. When leaving church the window went back up when she started the car. In both cases today she never touched the window switch.
Welcome to the Forum Mike. :wave:
Is this repeatable in that the window will go and down with each startup?


Welcome to the Forum Mike. :wave:
Is this repeatable in that the window will go and down with each startup?

I just figured that out, I think, the button was not returning to neutral so when the ignition is turned on the window reacts. I'm going to put the new switch back in to correct that but yesterday the new switch was acting the same, that is, when either placed in the up or down position it would have power to both sides.

I just figured that out, I think, the button was not returning to neutral so when the ignition is turned on the window reacts. I'm going to put the new switch back in to correct that but yesterday the new switch was acting the same, that is, when either placed in the up or down position it would have power to both sides.
It may be normal to have continuous power on both sides. The switch would then determine which path the power would take. Just a guess though as I've never checked one.


It may be normal to have continuous power on both sides. The switch would then determine which path the power would take. Just a guess though as I've never checked one.

I'm starting to think that is true. When I reinstalled the new switch it now works fine. I'm just hoping now that it's not intermittent. Time will tell. Thank you for your help being able to talk it out always helps. I appreciate you and your responses.
