power windows & door locks don't work 2001 ranger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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power windows & door locks don't work 2001 ranger


Well-Known Member
November 25, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Prattville, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XLT; 325,000 miles
Not sure what is going with my 2001 Ranger. I can unlock and lock my doors using my keyless entry but the switch inside the truck doesn't work most of the time. The same goes for the power windows most of the time the switch doesn't work. This problem is with both doors and is really a pita. I am sure it is a wiring problem but I have no idea were to start looking. Thanks in advance for the help.

Well I finally figured out the problem. Turns out the terminals that plug into the main switch were not making good contact with the posts on the switch. After using a dental tool to bend the terminal some to make sure they bit into the posts everything has been working fine.

Drove me crazy trying to figure it out but I'm to stuborn to let it go.
