Preoiler vs Start up method | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Preoiler vs Start up method


Elite Explorer
December 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, Fla
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport Trac
I have a 2002 Ford Explorer Sport Trac 211k
so far everything's great .
I'm thinking of Preoiler vs Start up method ,
The start up method accomplishes the same as PreOiler
Why would anyone spend $$$ when the start up is Free
Thanks in advance

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The pre oiler and the startup method are too totally different things
both pump up the tensioners but they accomplish different things Other than that
The pre oiler will make other engine components last very long time almost indefinitely
And it's just more convenient
If the startup method is working for you then Stick with it
What type of pre oiler were you thinking of
An accumulator or a gear style pump

Was looking at this video

I will continue to use flood mode and my excellent quality of engine oil 👍💯
That video I see to many potential leaks or other problems! JS

Love my Canton Accusump. I don't start the car often so this is great protection for the bearings.

