Pressing in Leafspring Bushing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pressing in Leafspring Bushing


November 17, 2011
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City, State
North Dakota
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Mountaineer 5.0
Well, I am in the process of installing the warrior shackles, but on the passenger side, the leafspring bushing crumbled to pieces as i attempted to get the bolt out.

I have a new bushing on order that should be here tomorrow. I have heard people say to use a ball joint press to install it. Where would be a good place to rent a ball joint press from? Can I do it with the leaf spring still attached to the vehicle? Or is there another method you guys would suggest?

Thanks a lot

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A ball joint press is one option, if you have a really big vice, you can use that with some wood to keep even pressure. Or another option, probably the quickest is using a large socket similar in size to the bushing, and maybe a piece of wood under that, and use a hammer to "press" it in. Other people may have more better options.

You may be able to rent the press from a parts store, or you can try going to a mom and pops shop and see if you can give them a couple bucks to press it in for you also. Hope this helps man.

Thanks for the help. I want to make sure I understand your hammer pressing procedure though. Are you saying it should go... bushing, socket, wood, hammer? and am I pressing on the hammer or am I actually pounding it? Thanks!

I would do it, concrete, wood, bushing, wood, socket, and then lightly pound with the hammer and slowly increase the blows, you just dont want metal on metal indenting or damaging it.

Edit: Have the socket opened end down, so the side with the square is facing the hammer.

Thanks again for your help! What is the point of having the socket if there is wood between the socket and the bushing?

Ive done it like that becuase i feel it applies the pressure from the hammer blows more directly, while still avoiding damaging anything. I have done it without the wood, but i had some nicks and scratches when i was done. And that was on a seal, so thats when i started using the wood.

Leaf spring bushing replacement

I just used a 5 ton puller (Sears Auto Tool) to push the old bushing out. The dang bolt was rusted to the inner sleeve so I used a 19mm socket and used the puller to push the socket through the leaf spring. Then I'm going to reverse the process to install the new one.

BTW, where did you purchase the bushing? Ford wants $35 for the rubber and $16 for the metal sleeve.

I'm looking at the Doorman Shackle replacement kit since it comes with bushings, but they don't look like they'll work.... The Doorman sells for $25 from O'Rileys (Chucks).....

Just give up hope and burn everything. They're such a ***** to get the old ones all the way out and the new ones in. I hated doing it.

Similar experience to Tom and Alex...

On my Ex, the problem was with the bushings in the frame rails (both sides!). I literally ended up using a hammer and chisel to get the old ones out. On the right side, the tailpipe was in the way of my hammer. I was so aggravated that I just cut the tailpipe off with my sawzall just to have room to beat on the bushing. Hammering didn't work for the install (didn't do my hearing any good either). I used a method similar to Tom, except I used a piece of threaded rod from Home Depot along with washers and nuts to use as a make-shift press. Worked amazingly well.. Some grease on the threaded rod also helped. The whole project should have been just a couple hours, and ended up ruining an entire weekend. Major suck factor.

use grease too. Wheel bearing grease will work just fine to help press them in.

Leaf Spring Bushings - Holy Crap.....

Thanks to "all" of you for piping in with great suggestions and advice.

ADVICE for anybody else needing to replace leaf spring bushings - BE VERY AGGRESSIVE AND DON'T BE SHY... I ended up using my hand grinder to grind off the old shackle so I could fit the gear puller over the leaf spring sleeve to push out the "old" bolt, rubber, and inner sleeve (burning out might have been faster but didn't want to piss-off any neighbor)... Then I used my reciprocating sawzall (Craftsman - yes it's a cheap saw but when using a blade by (Diablo), it cut right through the outer bushing sleeve and into the leaf spring).... I completed the left side (started last weekend) and started and completed the right side today (2 hours start to finish)...

I wasted lots of time (left side) by trying to press the sleeve out (2 different types of pressing) then today just used the reciprocating saw and it ready for the new bushing (1/2 hour)....

Here's some bushing prices (shackle kit and bushing only) for those looking at pricing....

1997 Ford Explorer leaf spring bushing kit by Daystar….. ($42.05)
Energy Suspension (Rear Leaf Spring Bushings – Part Number 4.2124) by Energy Suspension…. ($48.99)
1983-1997 Ford Explorer Leaf Spring Shackle Dorman. Auto Part #. 722-009 (JC-WHITNEY-DORMAN LEAF SPRING SHACKLE KIT)($32.58)
1983-1997 Ford Explorer Leaf Spring Shackle Dorman. Auto Part #. 722-009 (ROCKAUTO-DORMAN LEAF SPRING SHACKLE KIT)($17.25)
O’Reilly Auto Parts – Dorman OE Solutions – Shackle Kit Part #. 722-009 ($25.99)
AMAZON - – Dorman - Shackle Kit Part #. 722-009 ($27.72)
(KIT FITS 1991-2003 per Amazon)

The Suspension King (, Part # RB157 ($9.04)…. Shipping is expensive.

