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Problem with heating at idle


New Member
January 9, 2011
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2006 XLT 4X4
This may sound like a dumb question, but I have noticed that when starting my 2006 Explorer XLT 4X4 w/4.0 v6, it doesn't heat up until actually driving the vehicle, and sometimes can take a few miles to warm up, even after letting it run for 20 minutes plus. Also, sometimes at a stop light, it seems to have a rough idle. Anyone know what could cause this? Any help would be appreciated.

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Ck the coolant level, radiators are very common for leaking on these.

I just bought a 06 Explorer and it does not heat up very well. I have auto start and even running 10 min it is not warm.. Weird

You all need thermostats. The thermostat is stuck open which is causing the cars cooling system to start trying to cool the car as soon as you start it. The thermostat would normally be closed upon starting until it warms up to a certain temperature, then it opens to prevent the car from overheating. Hope this helps...

Yeah if its not low on coolant , you may want to replace that thermostat, you will know right away, and its cheap preventive maint.

Had one stick closed on my 88 mustang and it poped the seals on the waterpump when hot.
