Programming Remote Locks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Programming Remote Locks


Active Member
January 31, 2006
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City, State
Boston, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Mounty, 05 Explorer
I have two 94 Explorers Both with Alarms.

However Ex#1 doesn't have the remotes for the keychain anymore and the lady I bought it from said she had the alarm disarmed. If I disconnect the battery and reconnect it the alarm will sound and I have no way of turning it off. The only way to connect the battery up is to turn the key to run and then hook the battery up. When I do this the alarm won't sound.

On Ex#2 the alarm/lock/unlock worked fine. It is a parts car.

Is it possible to reprogram the keychain remotes from EX #2 to work on EX #1?

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Are both aftermarket alarms or factory? I didnt think factory had alarms for the 1st gens.... I would think you could switch the boxes for the remote locks, just a guess, if its the same wiring that is.

I am not sure if they are factory or dealer. But the keychains say ford and the horn under the hood says Ford Security system.

Hmm check under the dash then for the boxes, i can have a looksy at mine tomorrow to check what it says. I know i have the remote entry/start, not sure if its the same idea though.

Will do. Thanks BTW. There is no remote start. Just Lock/Unlock. No panic button either.

Do you have a little PROLOCK sticker on the drivers side and passenger side window?

Ok, mine look a bit more antique, same size, but one big button for start, one small for unlock/lock (same button, press once to lock, again to unlock).

Ill again try and get some pics up in the mornin of the location of the box for mine.:D

If it is dealer installed the control box should be somewhere in the front of the vehicle probably under the drivers dash. If it is factory there is something in the compartment above the left rear wheel well, not sure what exactly but when I ordered a replacement remote it was for factory and had instructions to jumper something back in that panel. The dealer installed does not have that. Also look for a battery behind the glove box.

I found the box under the dash in Ex#1. Not sure on #2 since it is garaged elsewhere.

Is it possible to just take the box from #2 (one with remotes) and switch the boxes out?


More then likely if they have the same connections.

There should be a label on the boxes saying what wire does what, unless its just gotten old and fallen off. Just make sure the wires do the same thing you should be good to go.

Will try it out this weekend. Thanks

Heres what mine looks like, im trying to figure out why it doesnt remote start and rarely locks/unlocks with the remote.


I opened it up, for those who havent seen the inside of this piece of 1994 technology.

And found a couple gashes or intentionally chipped away pieces of trace.

Good luck this weekend!

I have a 94 xlt and just bought two new after market remotes the company sells originals to but thiers have better warrenty anyways to reprogram them first turn koeo in the rear drivers panel where you had washer fluid there is a wire grey or black that looks like it goes nowhere you will need to jump it you will hear the doors lock and unlock then you can push a button on your remote the doors will lock and unlock you can program up to 4 remotes when done turn off key and your done!!! by the way the company I hope I can say is keylessride I ordered them through the net good luck!
