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Project Lazyboy SAS...

So just bought the wife a new 2012 F150 FX4 Ecoboost she told me I can have the Lincoln Aviator and do whatever I want with it. So I am going to SAS this beast. Already started collecting parts. This time I am going full widths.

Here is pic of the bosses new truck...

Project Lazyboy 2003 Lincoln Aviator 4.6 DOHC 5 speed auto AWD.

Plans for the truck
3/4 ton Chevy leafs rear.
Ford 9.75 5.13 Detroit
F150 High pinion Dana 44 5.13 electric locker
Custom long arm set up with coilovers
Electric shift BW1356 (should fit since the frame is wider and gas tank is on the pass side).

I should be starting the build in the next couple months. We are getting ready to move so I may not start until mid/late Fall. Stay tuned....:D

Oh and if anyone wants some upgrade parts for there Explorer or Mountaineer the Lincoln used Aluminum front control arms and I think a few other things like bigger brakes all that stuff will be for sale. Also the Aviator has 4.30 gears in it now those axles will be up for grabs when the time comes.

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I have someone interested in them already if they decides not to take them I will let you know. And trust me I can't wait to start the front. I want to let the shop floor have just over a week to cure before I pull it in there and tear down the front.
Well let me know ill jump on those in a heartbeat haha and i bet... Im really interested to see how this goes... first of its kind that i know of. Maybe when my exploder becomes a project more than a dd ill have to use this build as a reference

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Did you build the shop yourself with a "kit"? I have been garage shopping.

Did you build the shop yourself with a "kit"? I have been garage shopping.

Barn was already here when we bought the property. I just added concrete and electrical is next. I did the concrete first thing since I knew it wasn't getting any warmer. Ever since I poured it the weather has been kinda crappy cold. It took 19 yards. Cost me 2500 bucks!!!! I had couple buddies help me. I had almost forgot how much I hated concrete work. LOL

Since u did all the work yourself did u think about putting in a heated floor so u wont freeze when u touch the concrete

Lol well we always relly on thick clothes and the packing blankets. Put a few layers between u and the floor and itll be warmer. Those measures are a must on the gravel. Those rocks can really poke ur head when u roll off the blanket.

Lol well we always relly on thick clothes and the packing blankets. Put a few layers between u and the floor and itll be warmer. Those measures are a must on the gravel. Those rocks can really poke ur head when u roll off the blanket.

LOL I doubt I will be on the floor too much since I am getting a lift for the shop in next few months. I have one of the Dog Bone creepers they are great. I could take a nap in it. :D

Never had the pleasure of a creeper always just keep sliding a little further under. And I can only dream of a lift. Cant wait to see pictures.

Hows the move going?

Hows the move going?
Not bad. I got the house pretty much settled enough to keep the wife content for now. The basement is mess til I get time to organize the chaos. The garage is set up as temporary shop. The barn concrete is about ready to drive on so next week I will be setting up the barn as my shop. I have electrical work to do first I used to be sparky so that will come in handy and save some dough. I hoping by this time next week to have the front tore out of the Lincoln and well on my way. I miss driving it. :D

Oh and finding stuff has been a real PITA cause I can't remember where I packed it. LOL

That sounds painful I could not do that temp. 40s is the lowest I have ever worked in.

That sounds painful I could not do that temp. 40s is the lowest I have ever worked in.

40 would be heat wave to me. I used to build houses in Iowa for years. And we would be framing as long as it was over 0 with the wind chill. Once you get going it isn't that bad it is more mental then anything. Just throw on some Carhartts and get busy. I ran Xmas errands for my wife yesterday so nothing got done. Nice thing about Colorado in the dry climate makes the could not so bone chilling. Humidity can make the cold feel that much more bitter. Like little needles poking you face when the wind blows. LOL

any update

Nope with the holidays, septic system getting repaired, family visiting, and highs in the 20s I have not had time or been motivated. Not to mention business has been booming so my free time has been keeping things rolling. Still have not even had time to get the electrical up and running in the shop. I was kinda holding off on that anyway until the septic system was repaired. Long story but they finally got all the dirt work done around the shop. Cross your fingers for warm weather next week so I can get the shop going and start tearing down the Linc front. And hopefully next time I post I won't have all these excuses cause I am ready for the beast to roll again!! :D

Cross your fingers for warm weather next week so I can get the shop going and start tearing down the Linc front.

You got what you wished for!!!


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