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Projector/HID question

I have 2 land rover headlights, each with a projector and HID. I was wondering if it is possible to take the projectors and/or HIDs and ballasts and put them in my 02 Ex headlights

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No replies yet? I guess I will just try it out and see if it works!

So I finally got the projector and ballast out. After a little looking around I figured out the wiring too so now I have a projector light and ballast ready to be implanted into my oem headlights! The only difficult part left is finding a projector identically sized to the one I already have

yes you can retrofit the projector into your stock headlight...takes a little bit of work... check out they have a lot of people there and great forums to help you out with it

Yea it would be possible, and your final product would be great, but it will take alot of work, precision and patience.

check out they have a lot of people there and great forums to help you out with it

AGREED. It's a great site if you want to tackle a retrofit. People speak from experience over there.

Thanks, guys. I have 3 lights and ballasts, and I realize that it is a lot of work, and being only 16, I think I have decided to wait on the headlights and just get a HID kit. I am thinking about taking one of the lights and making a custom housing for it and making a spotlight out of it. Or maybe a reverse light, that would be pretty cool.

Thanks, guys. I have 3 lights and ballasts, and I realize that it is a lot of work, and being only 16, I think I have decided to wait on the headlights and just get a HID kit. I am thinking about taking one of the lights and making a custom housing for it and making a spotlight out of it. Or maybe a reverse light, that would be pretty cool.

Try and get yourself some used cheapish lights from a junkyard to practice on. Definitely use Hidplanet as a resource too. Lots of people have done them successfully on EF as well and there are some good threads out there to help.

oops, I said I had 3 lights and ballasts. That is what I have removed from headlights so far. I have about 10 more headlights I can draw from.

Its a lot of work for the final product, but in the end the performance is amazing! Good luck with your retrofit and take pictures
