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Puddle Lamps


August 2, 2007
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City, State
Pinellas Park, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
How do you take the bulbs out without breaking the lens? What size bulb is it?

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Here's a link to changing the puddle lamps to an LED instead of a bulb. But it shows how to remove the socket so I think it's what you need. If the drivers door puddle lamp is dead on your Ex, I have the same problem, but it's not the bulb. I haven't found the problem yet.


pinshooter13- try checking the wires that run through the door jamb in the rubber boot. I had the sam problem and repaired a broken wire in there. there are a lot of wires in there, so look good because i overlooked it the first time

where and what is a puddle lamp???:eek:

pinshooter13- try checking the wires that run through the door jamb in the rubber boot. I had the sam problem and repaired a broken wire in there. there are a lot of wires in there, so look good because i overlooked it the first time

Do you remember what color wire it was that was damaged?


it was a black wire, the larger of the two that are in there. i also fixed a yellow. pink wire that was about to break. hope this helps you out

The power wire for the puddle lamps is black/pink. The ground is the larger solid black wire. The black/pink wire traces back to the puddle lamp relay in the Rear Aux Junction Box. Exrange is right, it's probably broken wire(s) in the drivers door rubber conduit. If it is the ground that's broken then other stuff like the keypad, door locks, door ajar will also not work. If just the drivers side puddle lamp is bad then it's the power wire or the bulb socket or the bulb itself. Good luck. Let us know what you find out.

Some times it's a simple problem. In my case the bulb was just loose in the socket.

I would like to change them to LED's. I just don't want to break the lens.

there are two ways to remove the bulb, one is to remove the entire housing and door panel, or the other is to remove the actual lens. you must be very gentle and careful with this as I broke on of mine, and rigged it. on one side of the lens you can see a tab, its on the inside not the outside. You must get something very very skinny but still firm. I found a very cheap butter knife, but I mean it was very cheap and very thin, maybe even a plastic knife so at least the knife would break before the lens (just be careful not to break the fork in the lens. I would very slowly slide the knife up to push the internal tab in and as the lens started to drop I would use a flat tip screwdriver to help bring it down. The point was to use the skinny knife to push the tab in but NOT to pry it down. The lens actually is a housing. the bulb just twists out. Be patient. I cracked my tab a little bit, not enough to break it but I used silcone to help keep the housing in place in case a bump knocked it out.

Thanks it worked. It was actually pretty easy. Thin knife does the trick, now I have LED's for the puddle lamps.
