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Question about Air/Heat


Active Member
June 17, 2015
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2001 Ford Explorer Sport
So I'm not sure if this is just something I've never noticed, but it's bothering me and I figured I'd check with you guys to see if it's anything that needs attention.

So, I've noticed lately that when I have my heat or air running and I turn it off, the heat keeps coming through the vents for a solid second. Is this anything to worry about? Is this warning of a possible failure of my blower motor or resistor?

If I understand your question correctly, it's a strange one. Cutting off power to the fan, it's still spinning from momentum, as well as the air in the duct still moving, so it's going to still come out for at least a second longer.

It's not a warning sign. Blower motor will tend to get a noisy bearing before it fails and be less likely to keep spinning as long when shut off. There's no advance warning for the resistor at all, one day it'll just stop working on all but full speed mode. Fortunately it's cheap and easy to replace when the time comes.
