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question about sea-foam


Active Member
May 3, 2010
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City, State
west warwick RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 xlt
what will happen if i empty the whole can into my gastank? is it bad for my truck(i dont really want to go unplugging stuff from the engine)i've used other cleaners(tekron) but want to start doing a annual pre winter heavy duty cleaning without doing anything crazy like disconnecting hoses from the engine as i have a very bad tendency to forget where they came from. i saw the sticky but i dont have a V8.

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I really don't think it will hurt anything by dumping the whole thing in the gas tank. And there really isn't a great way to do it through a vacuum hose. The only way I know is to do it through the brake boost hose which works pretty well but it doesn't clean the engine evenly. The rear of the engine gets more sea foam than the front.

It should be fine. I've dumped half a bottle into a 1/4 full tank of fuel before and it was fine.

I use full cans in the tank a few times a year. Never had an issue.

I did use half of bottle on a quarter of the tank and drove it 50 miles. Nothing bad happend. You should be fine.

You should be fine, you could also do the intake. I put a hose into the hole for the IAC valve and sucked the seafoam up that way.

Now, there is a easyer way to use seafoam - the spray:


I've heard you should change the oil after using Techron. Is the same true of Seafoam?

They say to watch the colour of the oil. If darkens, change it, if not is OK to keep it in.

the only reason you should have to change the oil afterwards is if you put seafoam directly into your oil like the instructions say. I don't do that
