Questions about carfax?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Questions about carfax??


January 1, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Wadesboro, N. C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 explorer xlt 4x4
I inherited a 2007 explorer xlt v6 4x4 pretty well loaded for an xlt with 33,400 miles on it. Great vehicle but has hd towing package on it so gas mileage suffers compared to my past explorers some what. My question is this??
I knew when i accepted the explorer that it had been wrecked, (hit a light pole in a parking lot at a very slow speed). Right front damage but not bad. only thing is, air bag deployed on stering wheel. Anyways, everything was fixed very well and unless you are a body shop person, you cannot tell it. Anyway, back to story, I went looking for a better mileage vehicle, (EDGE< EXPLORER, and others) and when the dealers saw a carfax saying air bag deployed they went crazy. Against a new vehicle I was offered $9,000.00 for my explorer. KBB and nada says its worth $15,000 to 17,000 + or -. When damage is so minor does it kill the value that much or am I gettin screwed and not kissed? I know a wreck hurts value some but this much or am I wrong?
sorry for so long, guess just ranting but wondering if others have same problem.

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Try another dealership regarding the trade. On my 07 V8 4x4 w/57K miles I received (this month) 3 trade-in values of $14K/$15K/$16K each, no air bag deployments. But the market is pretty soft for gas-guzzlers no doubt and not improving anytime soon.

But you should have received a big discount on original purchase if the air bag deployment was disclosed. btw-At what crash speed does airbag go off?

This was a great aunt in a food lion parking lot and was maybe doing between 5 - 10 mph. Not much visible damage but enough to set it off, fender and bumper on right front was repaired, not replaced. Have tried several dealers, (Ford, Chevy, etc) Ford dealers were less than Chevy dealers. Ford offered 9,000.00 and chevy offered 12,000.
thats what I am asking, does airbag deployed mean that much of a loss??

Good question, what is the typical (%) loss in value for air bag deployment? Because the quotes mentioned are 20%-30%+ under market.

This would be good info for all, especially if the victim of car accident and somebody's insurance is covering it. Diminished value needs to be compensated for.

The air bag record is a red flag, and alerts a potential buyer to look for major damage. 12k isn't bad for a trade in value. I just got 18 for my 07 Expedition Eddie Bauer with a ton of other options on it, auto air suspension, heated/ cooled seats, entertainment system, 20" wheels.

Yep, the airbag flag is going to bend you over. You should have gotten it cheap, and that discount you pay for on the other end. So, yeah- you're pretty much stuck.

Yep, the airbag flag is going to bend you over. You should have gotten it cheap, and that discount you pay for on the other end. So, yeah- you're pretty much stuck.

Yep, just as I said earlier, OP should have received a big discount on purchase price orginally.

Yep, just as I said earlier, OP should have received a big discount on purchase price orginally.

Well, he did say he inherited it, so I'm guessing he didn't pay anything for it.

Then I'd take what I could get, and get something not previously smushed... :D

Well, he did say he inherited it, so I'm guessing he didn't pay anything for it.

Thanks for pointing that out, now that is a big discount=free.

Agreed, take what they offer if the deal on the new car is good.
