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May 17, 2008
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Glassboro, southern jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 5.0
Would it be worth it the throw in trac-lok in the rear? And what could i do for the front? 2000 xlt sohc 4wd

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Why wouldnt it be worth it?

completly true. I just wast sure if i should do somethin different..... Im gonna do it..... What can i do to the front?

Be careful with a posi in the front. There is a reason you can't get that from the factory any more. I damn near lost my life from that once. When you spin both front wheels in a slick spot, you have no steering or control. I would talk to others who do that now and see what their uses are and why they do it. But if you are going to be in the mud and snow...and on the streets, I wouldn't do it. Off road rock climbing makes sense though. You need traction to both wheels in case your dangling one in the air.

I've trac-locks in both my BII and my Explorer, and I've been disappointed -- especially when compared to the positive "lock" with the G80 "gov-bomb" that my suburban had until it blew up and I replaced it with an ARB. It depends somewhat on what you want the trac-lock to do for you, but I personally prefer a locker to a limited slip.

How are you getting the trac-lock? You can probably get a lunchbox locker installed for less than you can buy a new carrier and pay to set the gears up.

I'm not sure exactly what you can get for your D35 SLA front end, but I believe there are some on here who've put LS's and lockers in theirs. I found a thread from earlier this year of someone selling an Aussie locker for the 2nd gen D35. So you should be able to find something.

Here's the place I go, seems they have whatever I'm looking for.

