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Radio not working

Went riding the other day and my radio conked out on me. It isn't a very exspensive radio...a walmart special Midland. It will not transmit or recieve. I thought at first it might be the speaker so I replaced it but still not working. It will power up/ change channels and everything like that still....ANy Ideas what might have happened?

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My first choice would be the mic is either loose in the jack or out completely, or it may be connections in side the radio that effect the mic connector.

My second thoughts are these:

When you key the mic does anything happen ?

Is the antenna connected ?

When i key the mike, the red light on the radio comes on like normal. The mike is plugged in although I geuss it could be busted somehow? or would the red light still come on if it was bad and not transmitting? The antenna is plugged in. I looked inside and couldn't find any wires pulled loose or burnt looking or anything.

A Midland CB requires the mic to be plugged in so it will receive. I think it will transmit but unless you have someone listening for you you won't know that for sure.

I want to believe thqat it is the mic some how but not being there is a problem.

Try wiggling the mic cord around and see if it will receive.

My buddy was in his truck behind me and he said he wasn't picking up anything from me...I will have to get up with someone and try plugging the mic in better

I know this sounds a little silly but buying a new one sometimes is easier.

Uniden has a $59.00 special and I think Cobra does too.
Sears sells Midland also.
Good Luck, some problems can take forever to trace doen.

Is the mic one of those that just push-in? If so, take the connector apart and see how the wiring is inside.

:usa: :chug: :ca:

Yea the mic is one of those push in kind. I am going to take it to be looked at soon, but I probably will just buy a new one....was looking at the Uniden Bearcat...about $70 know anything about it? or think i'm better off with one of the $50 Cobras?

Got it to work finally....the problem seemed to be in the mic cord like Sandy suggested. It is recieving/ transmitting fine now with only one proble. Everytime I key the mic, there is a fairly loud wining sound coming from the other radios (the ones picking me up). Any idea what could cause this now, something I messed with on the mic cord? or were the trucks just too close?

if the trucks are too close you can sometimes get some really strange noises. is the whining only happening when the engine is running, or is it also when it is off? if only when running, then might be some rf coming throuhg from the engine.

Look at the mic again... have it checked out by repair shop and maybe rewired.
Is it a stock mic or a power mic ?
If it is a power mic, two things, 1) turned up too high or 2) Some radios just don't like power mics.

To close can do it too, as tac0meat stated.

Also, try a ground wire from the chassis of the CB to a metal part that is grounded to the frame, i.e. body if grounded.

How the SWR on the antenna ?

Aren't CBs fun... ha ha.

:usa: :chug: :ca:

It is a power mic. But it has never worked right....I am going to get a new mic whenever I find one . At the truck stop and places I have looked they only sell the 4 pin screw on mics, mine uses the push in.

If that doesn't fix it....I geuss i'll be back on here asking more questions;)

Thanks for the help guys.

The connector should not be problem, they should be able to wire up any thing you need for a connector.

There are always Mic coming up for sale but the problem is you are usually buying someone else's problems.

good luck,

:usa: :chug: :ca:

To answer another question: I think Uniden is one of the best CB on the market, as far as standard CB Manufacturers go. At one time Uniden made all of the PCBs and chassis for the CB market but of course no one knew it.
Since Cobra doesn't use the Uniden Chassis/PCB it has had a lot of trouble with good quality.

In reference to the cost of a CB, buy only what you need man, start with a smaller low coat radio or a med priced radio and work from there. The only problem with the low priced CBs is that they do not include a Mic gain and I think it is a must have, so go up a notch in price and look for a Microphone Gain knob I think you will like the idea.
With the Mic gain knob you can turn down the modulation of the CB for trail use or when you are next to someone and up if you want to get out.
Some radios with mic gains have problems with power mics so watch that too.

Anyway, if your Midland works with a new mic keep it.

If you have trouble finding a mic connector let me know I think I can find some.

Good Luck,

you mean they make some connectors that will let me use one of the nicer 4 pin mics with my 5 pin push in radio? about how much do they run and where can I find them?

Sorry if I confused the situation.
No I do not know of a 5 to 4 pin adapter.

You memtioned buying a new mic is what I was referencing, you said that the mics you saw had four pin connector on them, I said that they should have one of your connectors, just ask.

Sorry for the confusion,

Oh, ok...I got a little confused there. The truck stop near my house...only one in town that sells CB stuff doesn't carry any 5 pin mic's, neither does the electronic store that sells cb stuff, although they did say they could probably order some. Radio Shack doesn't carry any either... So any sugestions on a good online place to look?

There are a lot of on-line shops but I do not have the addresses.
I am sure you could do a search on microphone connectors and see some or some other term.

Here is one that I have used in the past but have not used for a while, look see.

When I have purchased mic's for CB's, they usually come without a connector.
I am wondering why these shops, you talked to, have put connectors on the microphones with out even knowing which radio they will go to, interesting...

Good Luck on your search,
Again let us know if you can't find one, I will see if I can help.

All of the mics that they had at all of the stores already came with the connector on the mic from the factory. Mostly Cobra mics. I found one 5 pin today at another Radioshack for $20 it is just a plain jane mic not powered or anything....I have been told to stay away from these.....or is it as good as any? I have found a CB shop down the interstate a way and I plan to stop in there and look on Thursday when I head down that way.

I found a site that sells the 5 pin plugs. Can I just get one of those and one of the 4 pin mics. Cut the 4 pin plug off and splice in the 5 plug? will that work? will the wires match up?

Yes/No, unless you have a wiring book for the power mic you have or plan to buy, you will have a problem with re-wiring a mic.
A good shop will have the wiring books required.
Ask the shop if they sell mics without the connectors, I can't believe they don't, and see if they will wire it to work with your radio.

Are you going to try and re-wire your mic with a new connector or just buy a new mic?

My thoughts go along this line:
1) Have your mic checkout by a good shop, (what makes a good shop I am not sure, just watch what they are trying to put over on you).
2) Have your mic cleaned up and have the connector disassemblied and cleaned, then re-wired to the existing connector. (Actually you may be able to do this, just disassembly, write all the wire colors down and where they go, and de-solder the connections, clean everything with alcohol, and then re-assembly the oposite way of taking it apart). Try it out, it may work.
3)Buy new microphone from a radio shop have them supply everything and attach the connector. (that way if something goes wrong you have somewhere to return it).
4) Buy on-line. (I know from experience that you can buy mics pre-wire for most radios).
5) If all else fails and you are not able to get a mic to fit your needs, say sc$ew it and buy a new Uniden CB or something like it and start all over again with known good radio/mic.

If all else fail you can shoot me, how's that... only kidding.

I will say this when you buy or are given a used radio it is sometimes more of a problem than getting a smaller new one.
If you are just getting started in radios and have all of these little problem and don't enjoy it, then it is one way to get discouraged quickly.

Later on we will try to make a HAM of you and we don't need you having to much trouble now.

Good Luck,
If you find this confusing and want to talk more with a llittle faster turn around, e-mail me at "".
No problem with e-mailing, I alway like to talk about radios.

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