rear applique? used anyone? Bueller? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear applique? used anyone? Bueller?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2001
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San Marcos, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 2WD
Finally rear applique took a dump...broke off in carwash...first cracked , then fell off.

Cant find any new for less the $118 + shipping(unpainted at that)

Anyone have access to used ones? Any color, but my X is Highland Green


(generic pic)

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^^^^^ there are millions with that crack and I'd imagine most all used are broke or gone...

My buddys mom has a new edge and it has the crack just like our explorers....

currently a class action law suit... be sure to sign the petition...that way when its resolved, you get a new painted lift gate.


Link to the petition?

Good luck with it since its only cosmetic it'll never get fixed especially if they still haven't learned and do it to edge...

i chose not to replace mine but to just take it off and remove the rubber molding behind it...looks cleaner for me


  • explorer rear glass.jpg
    explorer rear glass.jpg
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I saw a place to sign up for their newsletter but no link to sign onto the class action lawsuit.

i chose not to replace mine but to just take it off and remove the rubber molding behind it...looks cleaner for me

That is awesome I am surprised you got it off without the glass breaking....Any special steps?

Taxi that is the first time I've ever seen someone do that. A little write up with some tips would be sweet.

well I just called Ford to file a complaint about the applique.

i chose not to replace mine but to just take it off and remove the rubber molding behind it...looks cleaner for me


was the inner panel under the rear applique already painted to your vehicles color or did you have to paint it yourself? Did you have any problems removing the urethane bead and getting all of it removed from the inner panel? Once you removed the old, cracked applique, was there any over hang of weather stripping material where the old applique met up with the liftgate glass? If so, did you trim it off? Any tips on this applique removal would be great. I am thinking of removing the applique on my Ex this spring. I have printed up some of the Ford removal instructions, but getting it first hand from someone who did it themself maybe more helpful. Thanks!

Not a panel



was the inner panel under the rear applique already painted to your vehicles color or did you have to paint it yourself? Did you have any problems removing the urethane bead and getting all of it removed from the inner panel? Once you removed the old, cracked applique, was there any over hang of weather stripping material where the old applique met up with the liftgate glass? If so, did you trim it off? Any tips on this applique removal would be great. I am thinking of removing the applique on my Ex this spring. I have printed up some of the Ford removal instructions, but getting it first hand from someone who did it themself maybe more helpful. Thanks!

There is no panel under the applique back there, just glass and the glue ford put the aplique on with. What you see in the pic is the tinted rear window, it's looks to be a black truck, so it appears to be "painted" the same color as the truck.

I suppose if you took off the plastic, cleaned up the glass, it would look pretty good, providing your truck was a dark color. I wonder what it would look like on the lighter colors? Might have to try it. Since there's a plastic piece on the inside of the window, you might end up with a slightly shabby look; being able to see the back side of the interior panel from outside.

If you didn't like the look I suppose you could have a decal made that would cover the space where the plastic used to be. Something that says: "This is where Ford should have put a plastic panel that wouldn't crack" or words to that effect.

Or maybe just some window tint on the outside of the window, or something similar, that would cover the area so you couldn't see the backside of the interior panel.

There is no panel under the applique back there, just glass and the glue ford put the aplique on with. What you see in the pic is the tinted rear window, it's looks to be a black truck, so it appears to be "painted" the same color as the truck.

Thanks for the reply. I took a closer look the other day at "Not8's" photo of his Ex and couldn't see any seam lines for another underneath panel and realized it is all glass under the rear applique panel. MY Ex is jet black in color, so I guess it would look the same as his if I decide to remove it this spring.

I just finished removing the rear applique.
My truck is dark blue and it still looks great.
Long story short, my rear applique finally broke off this winter after the car wash.
I broke off the remaining 3 inches of applique and started cutting off the rubber in -20 Celsius.
I couldn't finish since it was too dang cold.
Immediate benefit, snow no longer gets hung up on the applique!
All is off as of now and it took quite some time using only a box cutter and a pack of blades.
Total of two hours of work well worth it!
The rear bracket for the windshield wiper motor is rusty as hell.
I'll soon be making one out of stainless that will coated in truck bed liner.

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Thank you so much for this idea Not8Taxi! Good to see other people thinking outside the box :)
