Rear dome/cargo light not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear dome/cargo light not working


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
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1999 sport
I have a 99 sport and the cargo light in the back has no power. I opened all the door and flipped the dimmer switch to make it come on and hooked up a volt meter no power at all. The two lil ones that work on the switch work fine and the one in the front woke fine when any doors open and them dimmer too. What should i do now.

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Looks like it could be this "Interior Lamp Relay," can't tell for sure tho. That's located in the "Relay Module" which doesn't look to be in the best of places. (Somewhere behind the A/C controls?)

Probably true... but its still not "joysville" as your problem is likely near or around back of the relay module so you still need to "dig" around there. There is a "double takeoff" there of the "BK/LB" wire that goes to both the door and the dome... probably your problem.

I have a 99 sport and the cargo light in the back has no power. I opened all the door and flipped the dimmer switch to make it come on and hooked up a volt meter no power at all. The two lil ones that work on the switch work fine and the one in the front woke fine when any doors open and them dimmer too. What should i do now.
I realize this an old post but I had this exact problem on my 99 sport. In the rear dome assembly there are 3 bulbs. The 2 map light bulbs would work fine but the third bulb (the dome light) would not light and had no power when checked with a meter.

I popped the lens out and removed the 3 screws. The screws act as the electrical connection as well as securing the light assembly in place. Remove the screws and the entire assembly comes off. So I then just screwed it back in and it works now. I can only assume that some small amount of corrosion or oxidation was keeping one of the screws from making an electrical connection.
