Rear Door Latch Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Door Latch Problems

Lyle Walters

New Member
September 13, 2007
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new South Wales
Hello from Australia

Being a new member and new at this forum thing I am probably not even in the right area, so I am fumbling through this.

A bit of history - I have owned a 2000 model XLT Explorer since new and it now has 116,000 km on the clock. I mainly use it for towing a boat (keen fisherman) I occasionally do some offroad. I have been more than pleased with its performance over the years and like anything as it gets older things start to fail. Fortunately I have only had one major cost and that was a front wheel bearing assembly.

During the Christmas break I drove the car from the east coast of Australia (near Sydney) to the West coast of Australia (Perth) and back which was a trip of almost 14,000km. This was a trouble free trip.

My problem is that the rear hatch latch has had the connecting rod come off and I cannot open the rear hatch.

I am after a schematic of the rear hatch locking assembly so that I can see how to get the hatch open and do the repairs.

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whenever doors get stuck at the bodyshop i work at we have to find a way to pull the interior panel or part of it without destroying it and open the latch.

I had a problem with the lock actuator when you unlock it the lock would fall back down. I had to insert key and hold to unlock while I open rear hatch. I had to replace actuator.

Rear Hatch problems

Thanks Rick I eventually got the trim off enough to get inside and open the hatch. Once I got inside to the lock assembly I found that the plastic connection from the handle to the mechanism had failed so it is off to the dealer to source a new one.

Thanks to all who had suggestions.

I will now visit this site for updates.

One thing I did not mention in my intro was that I have fitted 2 Hiclones to the air intake of my car and have noticed an improvement in performance and fuel economy. If you have not heard of these units go to more info.


Lyle Walters

No Parts for this latch in Australia

Well it is one saga after another. I now have the rear hatch open and have found the problem and require some new parts. I go to my Ford Dealer and am politely told that they no longer stock these parts for a 2000 model Explorer.

If anyone reads this forum and nows of a US Ford Dealer who stocks the part, would you please provide me with their Email address so I can order from them.

The part I am after is :

Link Tailgate - Latch Release Rod - F87Z78431A78B

I am certain that being a US manufactured vehicle it should not be a problem to obtain the part.

Here's hoping I get lucky||||

Lyle Walters
