Rear end Sag | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear end Sag


November 21, 2004
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Circleville, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport 4x4
I drive a 2000 Sport 4x4 and it drags its butt around. I read in other posts about this issue and one guy suggested going to and find add-a-leaf springs there. The problem is that summit racing does not have this product for any Explorer newer than 1997. What does anyone out there suggest I do? I want the add-a-leaf, but want the product made for my year Explorer.

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I have AAl's I bought from summit I think their for a ranger/f150. I haven't installed them yet but I do have the torsion twist/warrior shackles on and dont notice anymore sag in the rear. I'd think the ones for a 97 X would work for ya though. Hope this helps

Call summit and ask them about it. I hv ea 97, so I am not sure about your exact year, but check to see if you can use a 4 door leaf kit from a junkyard in place of your 2 door leaf pack. Search in the forum for your model year and add a leaf and something will probably pop up.

This might sound stupid, but on my 98 sport, I noticed there is what looks like a 1.5"-2" spacer above the monoleaf. If that was pulled out, it should lift the rear about 1.5-2". Is this really needed? If not, I think it looks like something that could be done in less than an hour and be free. THat little bit of lift should be enough to level out my rear, and maybe raise it just a hair. Is it possible to use an AAL with the monoleaf system?


dreamr said:
My suggestion would be to swap leaf packs with a 4 door explorer.

That is your best option. Go to your local salvage yard and find some leaf springs for a 4-door explorer.

the leaf swap is realtivly cheap, super easy and works quite well.

Get a 4-door leaf pack, it will level it out with the rear.

dreamr said:
Ahh, sorry, I just noticed that you drive a sport. An aal will not work for you. My suggestion would be to swap leaf packs with a 4 door explorer. It should bring your rear up 1.5 to 2 inches
Dreamr, why won't the aal work for my 2 door Xplorer?

Monoleaf most likely...I have the 01 Sport and Ford put in a full leaf pack on my year.


Yeah you can't do AAL with mono-leafs. Just upgrade to 4-door or '01+ Sport leafpacks. You'll be happy you did.

I have seen guys who have used 1" lift blocks in the rear. Would this do any damage to the universal joint or driveshaft system?

just have them sent to be re-arched, thats what i did and it is perfect.

scribsac said:
I have seen guys who have used 1" lift blocks in the rear. Would this do any damage to the universal joint or driveshaft system?

Your vehicle is equipped with a mono-leaf hence the AAL will not work as everyone stated.

As for lift blocks... Due to the fact that your rear springs run under your axle a block would lower rather than lift the vehicle.

Truly the only easy way to get a little lift on a sport is by swapping the leaf packs for four door packs. The "f-150 spring mod" is something that is done on 4-door packs for a little lift. Similar to adding a leaf, only you are exchanging certain leafs from the f-150 pack to your 4 door explorer pack.

dreamr said:
Your vehicle is equipped with a mono-leaf hence the AAL will not work as everyone stated.

As for lift blocks... Due to the fact that your rear springs run under your axle a block would lower rather than lift the vehicle.

Truly the only easy way to get a little lift on a sport is by swapping the leaf packs for four door packs. The "f-150 spring mod" is something that is done on 4-door packs for a little lift. Similar to adding a leaf, only you are exchanging certain leafs from the f-150 pack to your 4 door explorer pack.
So what goes into this kind of "mod"? Does this replace the springs from all four corners of the vehicle? Are there any drawbacks to this, in other words, will I be sacrificing something in order to gain an inch or two? Really, I just want the rear lifted an inch or so since it sags just enough to get on my nerves. If swapping my leafs out for leafs that aren't originally offered for my vehicle costs too much, is way too much work, or requires me to sacrifice the smooth ride and good performance I am already getting I will not do it. I guess function before form is my way of thinking.

To upgrade to the four door leafpacks is 6 -8 bolts per side. Simply drop the monoleaf and bolt up the four door leaf.

This may stiffen the ride a little in the rear, but the rear suspension is a little soft anyway.

Cost depends on what junk yard you raid for the leaf packs

dreamr said:
Ahh, sorry, I just noticed that you drive a sport. An aal will not work for you. My suggestion would be to swap leaf packs with a 4 door explorer. It should bring your rear up 1.5 to 2 inches


You can use just about any leaf pack from a 4-door when it comes down to it. I used a set of a '96 and butt sag vanished.

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I put air shocks on my exploder, they lift it about 2+ inches, possibility?
