Rear-end upgrade for my X | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear-end upgrade for my X

Dirt Research

July 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Elyria, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport
With the engine mods that I've done, I can actually move my 32's with a 3.08 rear-end! I figure that a move up to a 3.73 should do the job. Any thoughts on
this? Also, what brand of locker (No ARB's please.) would work best. Thanks in advance.

hey man I just bought a 4.10 rear end with disc brakes for a steal, if you want to buy it plus shipping you may have a good deal if you want it because I want 4.56's maybe but I would rather buy a new axle with 3.73 if I had to reset the gears

I had 3.08's with 31's for awhile. It really wasn't as bad as everyone makes it sound. Last year I put on a 3.73 LS axle from a 97 Explorer. It was the best modification I've ever done to my truck, and the only one that actually made any noticeable performance difference. I'd tell you to go ahead and get a late model axle, but go for the 4.10's. I'd put a 4.10 LS axle on mine if i could do it over again. (not to say that the 3.73's arent enough, cause it is wonderful)

After some thought, I too would opt for a 4.10.
Instead of replacing the entire axle, I figure to change the gearset, and finish it off with a locker.
