Rear main seal on 5.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear main seal on 5.0


Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wichita KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Merc
Is there a good write up on this? I can find them for the 4.0 but not the 5.0. Also since I have never dealt with an automatic transmission before when I drop that what is the procedure? Is it like a manual will the torque converter be on the back of the motor or stay with the trans? This is where I don't know. I know how to deal with a clutch just not this.

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Is there a good write up on this? I can find them for the 4.0 but not the 5.0. Also since I have never dealt with an automatic transmission before when I drop that what is the procedure? Is it like a manual will the torque converter be on the back of the motor or stay with the trans? This is where I don't know. I know how to deal with a clutch just not this.
OK, once the starter is removed you have a hole to look into and remove 4 -14mm nuts ( use a 6 point socket) from the torque converter. You will need to rotate the engine 90 degrees for access to each bolt, since you can only get to one at a time through the starter hole . The torque converter has studs protruding through the flex plate so you have to wiggle the transmission off gently. The torque converter should slide off with the transmission.

those studs have to match the holes going back together, which is kinda fun.

Oh fun! Well this is an after-moab deal. It's just going to mark it's spot. It does get nasty breathing all that oil being baked off the exhaust pipes down there. LOL

I haven't seen a write up for doing a SBF rear seal, but they're out there for sure.

The last thing to note, for putting the trans back in, be super sure that the torque converter is engaged fully into the trans. Before removing the bell housing bolts, measure how far back the TC will slide, behind the flexplate. It should be around 3/8", whatever you measure before taking it apart, make sure it's virtually the same once you get the trans snug against the engine. Try to keep the TC from coming out of the trans, bolt a short bracket or strap onto the bell housing to hold it in if you can find such a strap. The easiest way to put a TC back in is with the trans standing up, so gravity helps to engage it as you spin it around, back and forth. it has to engage the pump fully, or the pump will be pushing the TC forward constantly, into the crank(and thrust bearing).
