rear wiper issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear wiper issue


December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Crown Point, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Sport
this has probably posted a thousand times but I've gone thru 4 wiper motors now and i think i finally got one that works though but now the blade always gets hung up under the rear glass and i have to help it over most of the time i tried to bend the arm straight but it still doesnt work right. i wasin a accident and had it fixed last december is it possible that the glass latch could be adjusted so it closes tighter?

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Yes, you can move the latch. I only know this because I've had to mess with the lock actuator in my liftgate, and I apparently didn't put the latch back in the original spot since the glass stuck out way too far. Since you changed the wiper motor more than a few times, you should be familiar with how to remove all the interior fascia and all that other jazz on the liftgate, so I'll skip how to remove all that. But basically what you do is just find the latch inside the liftgate, loosen the bolt(s?) on that latch, and move that latch toward the engine a verrrrry small amount (like a couple millimeters to start), and see if that makes a difference. Just keep making adjustments until it is where you want. You'll obviously figure out if you moved the latch too far inward if the glass won't close at all.

Hopefully this turns out to be your solution.

well i went to adjust it and its already back in its farthest spot any thing else i can do

Hmm that's odd then. I'm not sure what's causing that then, sorry.

On mine it "hanged" with a certain brand of wiper blade. Changing to another one it fixed the issue.
BTW the maximum lenght is 14"; 15" will "hang" too. Yes, I did try four different types till now.
