Rear Wiper Problems... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Wiper Problems...


November 13, 2006
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City, State
Allentown, PA
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So these pictures are a "Before" and "After" scope of things, I just took these about 10 minutes ago. When you look at the wiper arm, it actually lifts off the rear glass and misses a good portion of the windshield. I replaced the rear motor + mount to see if that would solve the problem, and clearly it did not. After careful examination, I found that the metal on the backside of the hatch (under the trim panelling) actually flexes as the motor turns. What would cause this? I do NOT plan on replacing the whole hatch. Would it be possible to reinforce the metalling under there that the mount bolts to? Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated.


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Mine does the same exact thing, it only wipes that area of the back window. I'll be watching this closely.

try the Anco rear blade. if that doesnt work, try the bosch icon blade (pricy but a good design). had the same problem with my other 98. new blade and bent the arm, and it worked like a charm.

No no, it's not the arm, it's the actual metal inside the hatch that's flexing, thus making the arm not contact the glass. Like I said, is it possible to reinforce the metal "skeleton" in the hatch to prevent this from happening?

hum... never really noticed that. and just to clairify, by bend i mean 1/2" nothing serious. ill keep an eye on this thread cuz i'd like to see other suggestions, nothing comes to mind that doesnt involve metalwork.

its the tail light modification, it disrupts the zen flow throughout the car, you've probably noticed that you're drivers seat dosn't slide back all the way any more either... the only way to fix it now is to hang a miniature gong from the rear view mirror and bang it twice at every stop light, burning incense also helps. soon your wiper will wipe properly once again, you can also replace the zen module located up underneath the dash next to the ac controls.

hope that helps :D

its the tail light modification, it disrupts the zen flow throughout the car, you've probably noticed that you're drivers seat dosn't slide back all the way any more either... the only way to fix it now is to hang a miniature gong from the rear view mirror and bang it twice at every stop light, burning incense also helps. soon your wiper will wipe properly once again, you can also replace the zen module located up underneath the dash next to the ac controls.

hope that helps :D

some one is on the good stuff.


This explains sooooo much! LOL

I really wasn't looking for a smart-@$$ comment... so please refrain from them for the rest of this thread. I'd like for it to work again, I mean, its there, so I want it to work.

yeah, im sorry, um. i havent had the problem yet, i would suggest just bending the arm in a bit.

yeah, im sorry, um. i havent had the problem yet, i would suggest just bending the arm in a bit.

X 3 It is an easier, quicker, and more effective fix.

When mine did this exact same thing, It was right after I had put a new blade on, and I had bent the thing out accidentally when doing so, so I bent it back and 4 years later it still works fine....

Ill bet that metal is designed to flex a bit, Just bend the arm back down to the glass and youre good to go.


its the tail light modification, it disrupts the zen flow throughout the car, you've probably noticed that you're drivers seat dosn't slide back all the way any more either... the only way to fix it now is to hang a miniature gong from the rear view mirror and bang it twice at every stop light, burning incense also helps. soon your wiper will wipe properly once again, you can also replace the zen module located up underneath the dash next to the ac controls.

hope that helps :D

LOL! :D:confused: :rolleyes:

I have the exact same problem. Bending the arm worked for awhile but that doesn't work any longer. I too would like to know what the "proper" fix is.

I solved the problem permanently back in '03. Hasn't missed a square inch of glass since!

Pics are in the gallery linked in my signature. Click the link, then use the pull-down to view the 'Explorer Rear Wiper Mod' gallery. Works like a charm!

What exactly did you do? Is the spring different or what? Maybe I am a little slow but that arm in your pictures doesn't look any different than mine.

I couldn't find the thread where I explained it... If you flip the arm up, you'll see two fingers that limit the 'down travel' of the arm. I used a die grinder to shorten the two fingers approximately 1/8 of an inch. That allows the spring to draw the arm down further and remain in contact with the window.


Thanks Joe...........sounds like a simple fix. I will have a go at it tomorrow.

It will zen be fixed!

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I really wasn't looking for a smart-@$$ comment... so please refrain from them for the rest of this thread.

You might want to lighten up a bit Mr. Miyagi. You’re the one with tail lights on your Explorer that would look silly even if they were on a teenager’s Civic. If you want to tell someone not to be a smart-@$$ it really doesn’t help your credibility to use a signature that looks like this:

If you've got em, let them free.
(__o__) (__o__)

Car problems are a big enough pain as it is. While you are here, try to have a little fun too.
