Remote Entry Probelm | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remote Entry Probelm


New Member
July 7, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Sanford, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Exlporer Limited
Hi Everyone,
I have a remote entry problem that I need some help with. I have the factory code but, it does not work (took it off the module). Could the module have gone bad. If so, it there a way to verify it? Also, all the door locks work (using the lock/unlock button inside) except the driver's door. Could this be part of my problem? Thanks in advance for any help.


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Check out This tool will diagnose your remote entry system.

I got the same site (DellHost). Am I doing something wrong?


There's a . after the .com in the first address. Just a mistake. Click on the link in Robb's post for the correct link.

"Remote Entry"? Are you referring to the Key FOB or the Key-Less entry? If the Key FOB, then the code will not help you. If the Key-less entry, then you could have a bad Key-Pad. A new Key-Pad is about $45 from Ford. Just replaced the on on my 94 Sable. Hardest part of replacing it was opening the beer up...:confused:

Could the fact that the Drivers door lock will not operate even with the switch, be contributing to the problem? every lock in the car will open by that switch except the Driver's door. Could that door actuator keep everthing from working? If they are independent from each other then I could have a couple of problems. You know what it like having more than one cause to a problem.

