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Remote Start?


Active Member
April 14, 2002
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City, State
Abilene, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 4dr Explorer
Has anyone here installed a Remote Start system in their truck yet? I was thinking about having one installed and just wanted to know if it was worth it and if you're pleased with it. Any feedback is welcomed!

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i have one on my 2000 xlt. it came with it. the previous owner had it installed, but he never put an alarm in it.. works fine.. good range.. no problems.. but i hope to get the lcd remote start page combo soon.

What is the deal with these 2 way FM pager dealys? I am in the market for an alarm/remote starter, and have looked at a couple of these. Does anybody have one? How does it work? Does it have the stupid graphic of a car on the remote?

i think on the ones with the pager it has an image of the car and tells you what part fo the car was hit, I think it even shows a broken window

I have another question, does it require to have the key in after you start up the car? And how do you turn the car off with remote start on? :)

I have an alarm, keyless entry and remote start in mine. I love it. When it is hot or cold out you can start it before you leave and the car will be either cool or warm inside depending on how you left the a/c heater controls.

As far as mine goes, once you have started it remotely and you get in the car you put the key in, turn it to on (not start) and depress the brake pedal. Once this is done you can then drive off without having to shut it down and re-starting it. I think they are all that way. If you get in and forget to turn the key on and you hit the brake pedal it will immediately shut off. That way if somebody were to try and steal it without a key when it had been started remotely they would have difficulty driving off since you have to depress the brake to shift into gear.

There are probably ways around it. I figure if somebody wants it bad enough they are going to get it one way or the other.

I put mine in myself only because I was replacing an existing system so I already had all the wires pretty much marked as to where I needed to make my connections. I never would have done it myself if that wasn't the case.

I just installed mine too. It works great. Works the same as told above.

What was involved in the installation?

Many. many wires to hook up.

All in all it took me a good day to install eveything.

Thanks for the replies! I think I will consider getting one of those systems installed one day then. I appreciate the feedback from you guys. Quick and reliable info ;)

Here is a great place to go to get the wiring info for alarms for your vehicle. You do have to register to see them but it cost nothing for this. I used it and it helped a bunch.

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I installed a remote start kit that I picked up from a going out of business sale for $10 and it worked great. It even had a feature where you could flip a switch twice and then take the key out and the car would remain on, incase you wanted to run into a store and leave the pup in the car or something. When I sold my car, it went with it but it was cool. I may get another one for my Merc... just wish I could rev the engine remotely :)

Yeah, mine has the feature of pushing the start button when you pull up somewhere and then you can pull the key and get out with it still running.

Remote rev would be sweet. :D
