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Removed Side Molding

I finally got around to removing my side molding. It looks 6x better. Only one blister too. :confused:

Dead Link Removed
I just used a hair dryer and my thumb to remove them!

PS. Did you guys know Sport doors are longer than 4-door doors?!

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Originally posted by X-factor
Nice ride Mo. What are those- 22's?

they're photoshopped 20's but yes, they do look larger im not that great at photoshop just yet.....still looks great :D

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can anyone show me a tutorial of how to remove my molding and pinstriping? thanks

you just heat the molding up with a blow dryer or a heated power stripper(what i used) pry it up with a flat blade of some sort and just keep pulling til its off.....then heat up whats left of the double sided tape and it should pull right off........follow up with some 3M adhesive remover and you're all done......go wash the truck and admire your job

THANKS! thats first thing imma do when i get the truck thursday fore i take it too get a respray of paint

just got a idea. can i remove the emblems like that?

Originally posted by DroppedKamelion
just got a idea. can i remove the emblems like that?

i thought the exact same thing but to my knowledge they are actually pushed in through the metal so you would have to fill/sand/primer that area before getting repainted, not exactly sure how they would come off


Edit: Ooops, sorry about the double post. Computer's acting all weird this week on me.

Originally posted by section525
I finally got around to removing my side molding. It looks 6x better. Only one blister too. :confused:

Dead Link Removed
I just used a hair dryer and my thumb to remove them!

PS. Did you guys know Sport doors are longer than 4-door doors?!

Do you know if it is easyer or harder to do the same on first gen X??(92) I've always wanted to take mine off, just didnt know how to do it.

Its probably the same. You just have to watch out for fading! The older the paint, the nicer it will look under the molding... as opposed to everywhere else! :D



Last it just a matter of pullng it off?? Is it glued on??(why used hair dryer), appreciate your help.

Its like a 3M sticky tape. Ya know. Double-sided. The hotter it is the easier it is to pull off. A hair dryer isn't really needed if you leave your truck in the sun on a hot day for a while... :D

Looks great!

So... How did you remove the molding anyways? I gotta 93 sport and I'm dying to say goodbye to the moldings, but i don't want to kill the paint underneath.

Did you use an anit-adhesive spray?
Did you use a heat-gun?
Did What did you do?


section525 said:
I finally got around to removing my side molding. It looks 6x better. Only one blister too. :confused:

Dead Link Removed
I just used a hair dryer and my thumb to remove them!

PS. Did you guys know Sport doors are longer than 4-door doors?!

section525 said:
We're not talking about the tupperware at the bottom. We're talking about the trim piece that goes across the bottom middle of the door. With the little chrome piece in it. But thanks for posting.

I kinda like that little trim piece with the chrome stripe in it. I have chrome nerf bars and I think they look pretty cool together with that chrome striping.

Anyone ever try a piano/guitar string? Or fishing line?

I wanna do this to my 92, I have a heatgun, and access to my wife's blowdryer....if I have to, but I'd prefer to 'cut' them off.


The guitar/piano string would scratch the paint up, not sure about the fishing line. But the heat works the best. Let it sit out in the sun for a little bit and then add more heat with the blow dryer (what I used) or heat gun (potential for paint damage if not careful). Once warmed up, the molding will come right off, with a little patience and persuasion. Good luck!
