Removing Clutch Release Bearing - how?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing Clutch Release Bearing - how??


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June 11, 2007
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My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but my search did not find any threads where this was actually answered...

I'm helping a co-worker & her husband replace the clutch on their '97 Explorer. We're having a heck of a time removing the release bearing to replace it. There is what appears to be a Teflon O-ring (or similar material) involved, and I'm trying to be very carefull woth it since there was no replacement in the clutch kit. I was expecting a snap ring or something similar to retain the release bearing, but can't find any easily removed retainer. So, what is the procedure for removing the release bearing??

Haynes book says turn bearing until the spring forces it off - seems that if that o-ring is whats retaining the bearing, doing this will deform the o-ring and the new bearing won't stay on (also, which way to turn?)...

Also, we've run into another really annoying situation - all the chain parts stores show a six-crankshaft-bolt flywheel, but this vehicle requires an 8-bolt flywheel. Not counting the possibility of a prior engine/trans swap, was Ford know to sneak some later-model-year assemblies in a little early? The trans appears to be '98 (according to the shifter-removal) and I'm wondering if this is a later-year flywheel...

Many thanks for any light you can shed on the release bearing issue!!!

97+ has the 8 bolt flywheel, your Ford dealer can get a brand new one cheap-ish

The throw out bearing pulls off of the slave cylinder with some force, your new slave cylinder should come with a new throw out bearing. Once you pull the old one off I dont think you can re-use it, I have ALWAYS used a new TO bearing with a new slave cylinder.

Thanks, 410! Just pull the bearing over that Teflon O-ring? Does the O-ring need to be removed first, and will it stay in position when the new bearing is installed?

BTW, the owner bought a clutch kit - said kit does include the bearing. They didn't get a replacement slave cylinder.

If the 8-bolt flywheel is legit for '97, I wonder why the parts houses don't show it, even as must-order?

Thanks, again!

Mystery solved! This may be old hat to many (sorry!), but I'll post it here to possibly save someone else some frustration (the Haynes manual was worse than useless on this)...

There is a split, spiralling steel retaining ring that holds the release bearing on it's support and prevents the spring from pushing it off. If you folded the retaining ring flat, it would look like a figure-8. You have to look very closely for the edge of the ring to start it out - in fact, it may be better to run a pick around it and feel for it. If you push the bearing back toward the slave cylinder, you can easily fish the retainer out with the pick. The clutch kit appears to include this retaining ring.
