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Replacement Leaf Springs


August 26, 2011
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1997 explorer awd
I've got a pretty bad gangster lean on my exp, so I figure I'd replace the leafsprings/shocks etc.

I've been looking around for replacement leafs/kits and the only one that I can seem to find is at

I'd be interested in this one, or perhaps the heavy duty version of the leafs (or maybe slap an add a leaf before install) but the shipping is a deterrent to me. It's about $65 to ship here to CA.

Does anyone know of any leaf spring manufacturers they'd recommend in CA to save on the shipping? Or should I just bite the bullet and get it from Bob?

1997 exp EB

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cant help you there. but check out

Honestly... that isn't a bad price for everything together. He won't do better on Rock Auto.

I didn't think so.

Pair of springs, 142.79 per
Shackle kit 17.16 per
u-bolts 6.59 per

142.79 * 2
17.16 * 2
6.59 * 4

$346.26 + shipping less a 5% discount versus 329.00 less a 10% discount plus shipping... He would pay more going through Rock Auto. Only way to go cheaper is to go with used springs.

I'm planning on changing the shocks as well, but I don't know if that would fix the problem. Maybe I misused the term gangster, lean, it leans lower towards the driver side, not just front to back. Its pretty noticeable and I figure new leafs, maybe with an extra in the stack (4/1 instead of 3/1), would be prudent.

For replacement leafs


Generalspringkc is very good also.

Then try a set of monroe sensa trac load adjusting shocks,

Personally, I like them


I ordered some from general spring, came out to $218.35 after $60 shipping to CA. Turdle, I'll probably go with Monroe shocks, not sure about that model though I'm not sure if I need that much load assist, I'll probably be driving up do Oregon in this next month also, so a soft ride would be nice for that trip.

I have been looking for replacement leafs too. Thanks for the info!

I did not know LMC trucks had stuff for the Explorer. cool good to know.

i bought new hd springs from and love um, evened out the back end and runs great with the shackles

Going from a 3 to 4 leaf like on LMC will that give any lift? or would it just make it a stiffer ride? Thanks!

4 leafs instead of 3 will give you a lift. it was around 2" total with the shackles, just enough to be leveled out in the front with torsion bars. i had to crank up the driver side torsion bolt all the way just to even it out but everything runs great
