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Return from Badlands Attica, IN 2006 Photos

Burns said:
well that looks fun but it will break parts
do u think it was heat with the colder waterslashmud cracked it??????

No. Being from the great white nort', I know that packing or completely closing a radiator's air flow will actually suck the waterpump bearing right out of the casting. That's about what happened on mine. The fan was pulling against a wall of mud.

Now, on the other hand, the cold water WILL do some stuff to a hot transmission or differential, especially if there are not raised breather vents. I've heard them make a sucking sound as they hit the water and cool rapidly... Check your vent lines and get them up into the engine compartment!

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glad you all had fun and enjoyed the park. hope you all got home safely.

Rick, sorry I couldn't be there to help out. I had some down time with the truck and didn't get back together (wheelin worthy) in time. it would have been nice to meet you and help lead a tougher group around the park. anyone who wants to go back and needs a tour guide, just holler, I'm almost always game to go.


FYI -- UCORA is planning an October run at Attica. It is open to anyone that wants to come along.

UCORA, the United Christian Off-Road Alliance is an umbrella alliance that covers a number of other local clubs and individuals to unite them in a common voice and common cause, so membership is not required. We just like the fellowship and chance to meet with each other in person doing what we all love.

Here's the link:

i would love to go back it was great but the money is not there cause im saving for a exo cage lol

It finally cooled off enough for me to tear into my front end. Cool is relative though... it's "only" 91. :confused:

I started by cutting the ears off the outer axle shaft with an air powered cutoff wheel. That actually went more quickly than I thought it would. I only needed to remove the ear from one side, and the outer shaft was free. Unfortunately the inner wasn't going to cooperate. I cut both ears off the inner, but the yoke was still spread too far apart to pull it through the opening in the knuckle.

Next step was to remove the knuckle. That was an easy job despite the fact that the exposed threads of the lower balljoint stud had been pulverized by the broken U-Joint. The nut on the ball joint had to cut through the crushed threads in order to come off so it was slow and required a few doses of WD-40.

Now I've just got to order a new set of Moser axles, a replacement CTM U-joint and a couple ball joints. Hopefully CTM will honor their lifetime warranty without a hassle.


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well, well! would you look at that? And we were trying to fix it on the spot.
