Right camshaft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Right camshaft


Elite Explorer
December 18, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, Fla
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport Trac
Nevermind.... found answer
Thanks in Advance

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Were you looking at an aftermarket cam, or a stock cam?

For the sohc he would need two

So the timing on the right cam is off . I just got the tools . gonna try it with tools .
I will remove tensioner , sprocket bolt . My question is will I be able to rotate cam into place once I get TDC on compression stroke .
if not any ideas ? I have vise grips , pipe wrenches etc.... Thanks Again

How many miles on the timing components?

How far out of time is it?

Josh is asking how many miles on the engine when it Skipped Time on right (pass) cam
We know the new parts have 0 miles on them

The sohc is an interference engine so depending on how far “out of time” the right camshaft is and why, the pistons may have struck the valves

Compression and or leak down test would help with that short of removing the head

200k it starts up , jumps around . sounds strong when I give it gas .
I'll do a compression on right side in morning

1= 135
2= 135
3=130 ish
I put a ballon on hose turned crank till ballon began to
inflate then I positioned it at 0 harmonic balancer
took the drivers valve cover off cause that side was in shade.
Mark I put on cam was perfect.
I'll try and do other side later or in morning
Covid is kicking ass here right now...

I hope you bend all your valves.

You can go back home to Maine now, they will pay for your Transition into a major A Hole ....
I never lived in Maine, stupid. Did you mom have any kids that aren’t mentally challenged?

You’re a worthless spaz.

1= 135
2= 135
3=130 ish
I put a ballon on hose turned crank till ballon began to
inflate then I positioned it at 0 harmonic balancer
took the drivers valve cover off cause that side was in shade.
Mark I put on cam was perfect.
I'll try and do other side later or in morning
Covid is kicking ass here right now...
The first compression test was done with a very old tester , went to Autozone
got a loaner all 3 cylinders read 158 - 160

That is good compression!!
