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Ted K

Well-Known Member
October 26, 2016
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Old Bethpage, New York
City, State
Old Bethpage, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Ford Explorer Platin
Has anyone tried or used these? The wheels on my 2017 Platinum are really nice, and while I'm not prone to damaging them (I'm sure just writing this is a jinx), I think they might be good idea. Curious what everyone thinks of these?

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Has anyone tried or used these? The wheels on my 2017 Platinum are really nice, and while I'm not prone to damaging them (I'm sure just writing this is a jinx), I think they might be good idea. Curious what everyone thinks of these?
This is the first time the term has even been brought up. I had to check the link above to see what they were.:D
Just found a pic of what I believe you're talking about. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/index.php?threads/tire-question.438140/#post-3527218
Another member thought these wireless sensors might be a good idea;


I've seen some around, and they look cheap and can sometimes make the wheel look like it's wobbling. Very unprofessional look.

These would never 'protect' your wheels. As soon as you made contact with a curb they would rip off and the damage begun. The point of these is to cover your already damaged wheel lips. I would live with the damage until I had the wheel repaired, rather than put that frommage on. :hammer:

Has anyone tried or used these? The wheels on my 2017 Platinum are really nice, and while I'm not prone to damaging them (I'm sure just writing this is a jinx), I think they might be good idea. Curious what everyone thinks of these?
