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running offroad in water


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December 23, 2004
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Hello, i searched a bit and didnt find much on this. People who run offroad and through deep water (deep enough to justify moving the exhaust), do you simply run off road without exhaust headers? Is that still illegal off road? I was wondering if anyone has ever tried something like the exhaust pipes semi s use. From what i've gathered simply removing the exhaust headers would be the best way to go, given you wouldnt be going in water that deep, and that you don't care for the enviornment, and will be staying off road. But if i dont want to worry about the water level, and want to use my truck on streets, would there be any real downsides to using something like the semi exhausts ? Thanks

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As long as you don't shut off your truck, exhaust is the last thing you need to worry about. Boats have underwater exhausts....

You need to worry a lot more about your intake. If you're serious about deep water, you need a snorkle. You also need to extend your axle, transmission and trasnfer case breathers.

Do a search, it's all be covered before.

Yeah what he said. Also be carefull with your intake on your truck there is a pipe that comes off of the box and sucks air in from pretty low in your front bumper.

you should definantly either get an open element filter or cut the airbox. Most I've done on my truck is extend the breathers, and run an open element filter and i've had water over my tires and theyre 35s.

yeah the air intake was obvious, i was just going to simply raise the air intake up under a hood scoop. I had'nt heard this discussed before, but i figured the water created a decent amount of back pressure on the exhaust. oh, V8BoatBuilder / doug / agallant do you have cats and mufflers on your trucks ?

Yes I have cats and mufflers, ever heard an explorer with out one, they're loud. You'd annoy yourself and every one around you in about 5 seconds. And the water doesn't create much back pressure I've had my exhaust well under water with no problems.


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Yes i have cats. I still have the factory exaust in my truck. Any way this was proven wrong on myth busters. They shot a potato out of a tail pipe so i would guess that watter is no issue. I have had my exaust under it before and never had a problem.

i realize that having the exhaust under water isnt a 'problem', but dont you think it would decrease your hp/torque and more importantly mileage ? Also if your exhaust is under water, you can't shut off the engine or it will hydrolock right?

Mileage? your gas mileage is gonna suck offroad, It's not really an issue. HP and torque aren't anything to worry about either.

alright so the only thing you really need to do is re route the air intake, and the exhaust is only neccesary if you plan on shutting your truck off underwater, right ?

MonsterEnergy said:
alright so the only thing you really need to do is re route the air intake, and the exhaust is only neccesary if you plan on shutting your truck off underwater, right ?

As said previously, extend all your breather lines and modify your air intake so it is less susceptible to suck water into your engine. I am curious how often you plan on parking in really deep water. If I were you, I'd avoid that at all costs.

MonsterEnergy said:
alright so the only thing you really need to do is re route the air intake, and the exhaust is only neccesary if you plan on shutting your truck off underwater, right ?

Your diffs, xfer and tranny have a breather outlet in case of pressure build up. You need to extend these so you don't get water in your fluids. And yes get a snorkle and raise the air intake above the truck.

I have a KKM (thank god) and I had the water all the way up to my door locks. Made it thru but I wouldn't try it again.

alright thanks for the info everyone, hopefuly i can start modding my x this summer..

One other thin to think about, when driving in water deeper than hubs, special maintenence for the axles is required. Gen. 1 Explorers have duel bearing setups that have to be grease after lots of water. The axle seals may leak on any vehicle, so inspection of differential grease for contamination from water is also recommeded. Frequent inspection of engine, transmission and transfer case for water contamination in the oil.

About your no header question. DO NOT DO THAT. Our explorers use manifolds not headers. anyway running no manifolds would be a verry poor decision.

TheRookie, sorry i meant manifolds anyways ill take your word for it not to run without manifolds, but out of curiosty/intrest why does removing the manifolds cause negative effects?

Besides the fact you'll have no low end torque, the first time you turn off the engine you'll probably warp an exhaust valve.

It will also be incredibly loud, and could possibly set your truck on fire!

All of the above. Plus then it is really really easy to get crap into the heads. NO GOOD

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running no headers or exhuast manifolds allows water to be sucked into the engine very easily, it will have no pwer at all, and will be crazy loud... heck even ambient temperature air is enough to get sucked back in by the exhuast and do some serious head/valve damage.....
