rusty Moog K700542 endlink - after 20 months | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rusty Moog K700542 endlink - after 20 months


Flunked daycare
Elite Explorer
January 3, 2003
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outside shovelling snow
Year, Model & Trim Level
................ 96 XLT ™
Changed my Moog K700542 endlink and my temporary junkyard OEM endlink for new Moog ones of the same model.

Used a deep socket on the bottom barrel nut. It was rusty, so I thought I just broke the barrel nut loose. Kept turning. Eventually figured out that I snapped the main 3/8" Grade 8 bolt. Pretty disappointing. The other matching Moog endlink I installed either came loose and fell out, or broke and fell out. It was 100% missing, thus the junkyard OEM endlink.

Bushings looked fine. No tears. Not noticeably worn.

Bolt was rusty. Washers were rusty. The best of all metal pieces was the T6 aluminum spacer. Basically only rusty from contact with the metal washers. Might have been rust that could have been wiped off. I didn't look that close.

Keep in mind I live in southern WY. Dry climate. No salted roads in winter.

I still consider these a great option for endlinks. I bought new ones for $8.63 each (, so replacing them if they break is not a huge wallet buster. Maybe upgrading to stainless hardware would make these even better :dunno:

Pictured is the rusty Moog K700542 I broke. Below it is the junkyard OEM endlink of unknown mileage, from a dry climate southern WY junkyard, from a 91-01.


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I've never seen a zinc or cad coated bolt rust like that in a non-salt enviorment, especially in less than 2 years.

I put a set of cheap-ass links from AutoZone on our '97 over 2 years ago, and the bolts still look basically like new.

Stainless will need a larger diameter for the same strength. You might try putting silicone brake grease on all metal, a thick formulation won't budge for years. Raybestos is the thickest brand I've found.

Agree with Koda regarding corrosion. Maybe coat lightly with anti seize? Moog K700542 3/8" Grade 8 bolt is 9.5" long.

OP, Moog Problem Solver (Premium) parts have a limited lifetime warranty but shipping may outweigh the part cost.

Call Moog direct, they sent me two brand new K8695T ball joints due to torn rubber boots.
Emailed a digital Amazon invoice with pics and they arrived one week later.

Moog K700542 3/8" Grade 8 bolt is 9.5" long.

OP, Moog Problem Solver (Premium) parts have a limited lifetime warranty but shipping costs may outweigh the part cost.

Call Moog direct, they sent me two brand new K8695T ball joints due to torn rubber boots. Emailed a digital Amazon invoice with pics and they arrived one week later.

The bushes are powdered metal? Interesting.

Good move on Moog's part, that will turn out to be cheap advertising for them.


Call Moog direct, they sent me two brand new K8695T ball joints due to torn rubber boots.
Emailed a digital Amazon invoice with pics and they arrived one week later.

That's interesting, and good news.

I had a set of Moog BJ's installed by a shop, and one boot was the wrong size(too small). The shop installed the BJ without noting the wrong boot, and a call to Moog got me nothing but a suggestion to return the BJ. Amazon was willing to take the return. I couldn't do that given the cost to R&R the new part(plus the next new part). So I wasn't happy with Moog, as mentioned they don't do any service parts or take returns. I ended up working with a local Advance where I know the manager well. She let me buy new BJ's, and then return them(with the other small boot included). That was not fun to deal with Moog who didn't much care about their mistake.

That's interesting, and good news.

I had a set of Moog BJ's installed by a shop, and one boot was the wrong size(too small). The shop installed the BJ without noting the wrong boot, and a call to Moog got me nothing but a suggestion to return the BJ. Amazon was willing to take the return. I couldn't do that given the cost to R&R the new part(plus the next new part). So I wasn't happy with Moog, as mentioned they don't do any service parts or take returns. I ended up working with a local Advance where I know the manager well. She let me buy new BJ's, and then return them(with the other small boot included). That was not fun to deal with Moog who didn't much care about their mistake.

I would have tried to locate a replacement boot, if possible.
