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S/C V-8


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June 13, 2000
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97 XLT
Those that have experience with supercharging the v-8: What differences would be there between using a "small" s/c and running 10lbs. boost vs. a "larger" s/c and 5-6 lbs. I.E. Eaton 45 vs 90. Also, what preferences have people had with roots vs. centrifugal. Does Vortech specifically make a model for Explorer or can a Mustang part be "easily adapted" to work on my application. I've got the new heads, so remember that in any reply posts. I'm gonna keep my eyes open over the next few months for a pre-owned s/c and parts, because $3500- over $5000 total investment does not thrill me though, the way 325 ponies would. thank you

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Yes, I'm familiar with Troll's truck from some posts. But am looking for some general findings and don't expect to do the customizing he did. I'm not new to the board, just the supercharging aspect. thanks

If you really want to learn about blowers for a 5.0, I suggest you check out www.corral.net This is a Mustang site, with very knowledgable people on this subject.

There are quite a few blower companies out there these days, such as Vortech, Powerdyne, ProCharger (my favorite) on the centrifugal side, as well as Eaton (roots) and Kenne-Bell (whipple charger). The ProCharger is probably the hottest setup currently with the Mustang crowd, it's a great product and most come with an intercooler (reduces the temperature of the incoming air into the blower, which means more power).

Talk to as many experienced blower people as you can to learn what will work best for your application. Call and talk to the different blower companies and see if they have a product to fit your needs, plus, I'm sure you'll learn quite a bit about blowers in general in the process.

The roots type or whipple charger will provide more power down lower, but are limited somewhat in the upper rpm range, where max HP is developed. That's why most people serious about serious HP usually go with the centrifugal models. I'd say Vortech and ProCharger are the choice for most HP junkies.

As to your question of "small vs. big" blowers and the amount of boost they run, the "big" models will have more capacity than the "small" models, but the boost is really determined by the size of pulley you use. That's why you'll see ProCharger's P600 model being set up for 9, 11, or 14 psi. And boost is boost. The more you pressurize the intake charge, the more fuel you'll be able to burn, and the more HP you'll be able to make.

The higher you go with boost, the more you'll have to modify supportive systems like air intake and fuel, as well as retard timing so as to avoid detonation. Also, the higher the boost, the higher the octane of fuel required. For your application, you're probably going to go with 6-9 lbs of boost, to make it more streetable. Check with the pros, they'll steer you the right way.

Another power adder that is worthy of consideration is a nitrous setup. While not as versatile as a blower, the cost is MUCH lower, and the HP gains are quite impressive. Nitrous and blowers essentially do the same thing, enable you to burn more fuel in a given space, they just go about it a bit differently. The downside to nitrous is that you'll have to refill the bottle periodically, and most systems only operate at WOT (wide open throttle), although there are computerized systems now that can inject a charge in relation to engine RPM before WOT.

I'd do as much research as possible, and find out what power adder will fit your needs and budget the best.

But Eaton makes sizes from 1.0L to over 5.7L. This is the one I'm looking at. Just don't know if I can get away with an M62 or really need the M90. Explorer Express modifies the M90. M62 with a different pulley? That is where my question is aimed. What did the S/C T-bird come with. It was an Eaton. I can get the 3.8 unit, but I don't know if it will be the best.

The blower that the Supercoupe came with was the M62. That's also the blower unit that I have on my truck (not to mention the one on my Dad's SLK Kompressor). There are a few Ranger owners who've put the 90 on their 4.0's though. I think that would be the one to go with for the 5.0. BTW, the Ford Lightning uses the M90.

Do you have any whine either at idle or WOT?

I have a quiet, high pitched whine at easy throttle at about 8" of vacuum pressure coming from the IAC since I got a new IAC. At WOT the whine is deeper and loud, but sounds nice. People who ride in Splat seem to like it. I do need to take the new IAC apart to see what's up with the small whine, though.

How does the sound compare to a powerdyne or paxton? Other centrifugal. Yesterday, I thought I heard a car coming up the road(slow) with that distinctive s/c hum.(not like something with butterflies out the hood, but a s/c nonetheless) When I saw it, it was some type of old monza, mustang cobra, and I believe that it was blown. Could I tell you are blown if you drove by and I wasn't looking?

Yes, if I drove by you at WOT and you knew what you were hearing, you could tell I had an SC. It is louder inside than outside though.

However, when I'm at WOT, most people only have time to turn around and drop their jaws to the ground :)
