Safe to use both LCA 'ears' at same time? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Safe to use both LCA 'ears' at same time?

Who has two factory jacks? Lol

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I’m also definitely guilty of using the crossmember dozens of times.

Jacking a vehicle is one of those ‘belt and suspenders’ kinds of things.

I’m a big fan of “by the book” maintenance, but everything needs to be evaluated on the basis of the underlying assumptions. Ford engineers are likely assuming a perfectly flat, concrete surface, a particular jack, etc etc. We all know the real world isn’t all that way.

Always have backups when you’re crawling under a two and a half ton truck.

Got the job done. I had the front up on jack stands using the ears on both sides - exactly as pictured from 410Fortune. I did make sure to secure the car. Settled on parking brake, in park, with both rear wheels chocked forward and back. Wasn't going anywhere.

It sat for a couple of days lifted like this. No issues. Although, I still probably wouldn't want to get underneath without it resting on the frame...

Also, if you’re gonna turn the wheels, start the engine first, or you’ll get air in your power steering system.

Yup - didn't see your reply until it was too late. I must have wound the steering back and forth 10 or 20 times over the whole process. I could actually hear it slushing around - I thought this was helping to bleed the ps system!

First thing I did after setting back down and starting the car was wind the steering around only for it to shudder horribly. The front end is still waiting to be done so the typical squeaking and creaking I get sounded like a goat bleating...

I managed to get it clear by standing in neutral / park and holding revs to 1200, while on full lock each side, and for a second or two at a time, holding it right against the bump stop so you can hear the pump pushing.

This got the air out and the ps is back to normal.
