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Saleen Explorer

Yall, I must say that I a VERY proud to be a member of a board like this when we can have such civilized and open minded discussions. I think that all of the threads lately were eye-opening, thanks Expo, you have really made a change here if this thread is any sign of what is to come.

I can see exactly what everyone is saying for and against it, I guess that is why they call them opinions ya know.

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Well, I think you all suck! :p

I agree w/ expo5.0.
A Saleen w/o a charger, even though real, is lame due to its lack of "balls". Ricers or other quick, not even fast cars and trucks could stomp you all day long. Therefore the only Saleen you got was a bunch of stickers and cool seats. (Kinda poser-y)
The charged Saleen is nice. It will scoot, but charging any 5.0 will do the same for less, without all the flashiness of the name Saleen.
That being said, if I had the option of getting one when I purchased my X, hell yea I would have gotten one, if only for the sake of being a limited production vehicle, and those nice seats.:D

i would LOVE to own a Saleen. i understand that it looks like every other XP8, but how many XP8's do you see other than the interwebnet? i know in all my travels ive never seen one on the street. hell, most Saleen guys never knew they made an XP8, let alone the average joe. sure, it didnt have enough motor (just like the rest of us), but that can be changed rather quickly with a credit card. ;)

Whether it is a collectors item or the Saleen Mustang guy's laugh, I could care less :rolleyes: . The XP8 is the sweetest looking X I have ever seen IMO. Maybe I am alittle partial but that is the way it is. When I bought this X I wanted something different, something no one around me would have. Speed was not a big factor in it since it comes w/ a 5.0L and parts are very easy to come by to make it as fast as I would want it and whether if you admit it or not most people would want an XP8 or some parts off of it (wheels, bumper, wing etc) if the could afford it. I was able to afford it back in 98 and if I had to do it again I would do the same thing. The difference between an XP8 owner and a regular X owner is I was given a head start on mods and I think the cost justifies that, look how hard it is to find body kits. I have been hearing about pans since I joined this site. Just because you can't afford an XP8 don't hate!!!

i couldn't have afforded one when i bought mine and thats a fact.

however, look at the money thats going in to my truck these days and will be going in over the next 6 months. its my opinion that the saleen kit is a head start if you only want to look good, but if you want to look stunning you would have to rip it to bits and start from nothing just like i am. stuck on parts are always stuck on parts no matter how well done they are. the lines don't look quite right with the kit etc. its a great truck, but with enough time and money your better off starting with an xlt to build from. if you don't believe me now at least leave me to my opinion, keep an open mind (at least a little) and check back in june.

Originally posted by expo5.0
the lines don't look quite right with the kit etc. its a great truck

again in your opinon which is cool but alot of people here would disagree. Can't waite to see what you have done by June. keep us posted

If I had to go back and do it over and had the money, I would still not buy a Saleen or XP8. I would rather use the extra money for performance/handling mods. Having said that, Saleen/XP8 owners should be proud of their X because they ARE rare. Because of this, come selling time, they wouldn't have any problem getting some good money back out of it compared to a regular Explorer.

Me- my only regret was not getting a V8. Okay maybe a black with black interior. :) Just like Expo5.0 I like to personalize mine to suit my own taste.

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
Having said that, Saleen/XP8 owners should be proud of their X because they ARE rare.

Just like Expo5.0 I like to personalize mine to suit my own taste.

Thanks :D

There are still many thing that can be personalized to your own taste

What's really interesting is that you probably could not even have one now - even if you wanted to or was willing to pay the freight for a used one. They are not around enough.
Take it from one who can not recreate a Saleen. I spent more on Saleen mods than most of you guys spent on you're entire rigs...and deep down - it was still a dissapointment.....cuz it was not a real Saleen.

Given that - I think the company is in trouble for a reason. You can't have such terrible customer service and continue on indefinitely. I don't feel sorry for them, and if they went out of business tomorrow, I would not shed a tear.

The uniqueness factor of a Saleen is what makes it for me. So many people know so little about them - it's funny. Look a couple of posts back - the comment about the seats....Recaros were optional in XP8's - normaly they came with the stock seats that were recovered in Saleen logo leather.....and to "dis" a recaro seat???? .........whatever....just leaves more for me.....

Since we can all spout our opinions peacefully here, my personal list of tasteless add- on's that I wil never understand includes: billet grilles of any kind, roll pans, flames, spinner wheels, bandpass subwoofers, any product made by Lund, and anything with a NASCAR logo on it. But hey - to each thier own....that's what makes America great

i'm certainly not trying to recreate the saleen thats for sure.

we don't see eye to eye on a lot of those mods- i love flames and billets but hate lund etc.

either way i love your new car and we can agree on that

I must be one of only few that don't like the way the saleen looks on the outside. I don't know, the decals on the door....the holes in the back bumper... dont like the shape of the side skirts...The front bumper is sexy though. To each his own I suppose.

any product made by Lund


I pity the fool who talks bad about APC!:mad:


holy crap, teh Rizzo is alive!

i think it is a beutifull truck and wish i could have obtain some of the parts for my brothers truck. if any one ever wants to sell some of there saleen body parts let me know ok.

Knowing the demand for parts, and then seeing that Saleen X on eBay, one couldn't help but think the absolute KILLING you would make on parting one of those out. But then you destroy a perfectly good Saleen. Choices, choices....

I have seen several XP8s and they are not that special. Every one I have seen has not been supercharged :( .. I mean I really like the body kit that saleen came up with. It looks great and is a real eye catcher. I however desided to build my own. I probably have dumped the same amount into mine that it would of cost me to by a XP8 but I have alot more upgrades. Mine if still for sale if interested... although I am talking to a guy from TX right now.... but who knows.

Originally posted by PUR PONY
I mean I really like the body kit that saleen came up with. It looks great and is a real eye catcher.

Thats where I too agree. It looks great and has a great sport look to it. The performance is lacking, and not worth the extra money, as a sploder could be built to have much more power with the same amount of cash.

I'd like to own one but when looking to have the best dollar for dollar, would be smarter to get an AWD 5.0 and build it.

OK, I have been reading this whole thread from the beginning and will finally state my opinion...

First off I would really like to state that I am again very proud to be a member of this forum. We have some discussions that could turn very easily to Flame Wars. But they Never do. That is great.
Everyone states their opinions and we discuss not argue.

So here is my opinion...

On Saleen Explorer's. I love them. I think they look great. Especially if you have all the options like the seats and Carbon Fiber accents. The power is uh, ok, not the best.

As far as buying one. I have had three Explorer's in a row. There is a good size Saleen Dealer right by me and they had them when they were available. I could have bought one, easily. Most people don't want to spend the money on them, they don't know what they are.

I didn't buy one because I love to mod and change things and have a one of a kind vehicle. I am NOT saying that all the XP8&6's look alike and that is why I wouldn't want one. That is like saying I
would have bought the Labmorghini Diablo but they all look the same and I don't want to look like them.

If I was to buy one I wouldn't want to change anything on it. For Collector reasons. It would be like having a Shelby Mustang to me and I would want it 100% Factory. It just pains me to see Rare Collector's Auto's Chopped up and altered. That is just how I feel.

I prefer to start with a stock looking vehicle and make it mine just the way I want. I take the best that any after market has to offer and create what I want. Thus the Explorer Street was born. I have the Saleen Wing, C/F mirrors, Sway Bars & the 4-door Bilestine Shocks for the Saleen's. Then I improved them buy adding the Polyurethane Bushing (Saleen uses the factory Rubber/Spongy bushings) and improved end links. Now I can easily out handle any stock Saleen Explorer on the road. I had a Saleen Hood and could have cut it up and used the inserts for my hood. But like I stated then and above, I can't ruin a piece like that. I would rather it go to someone that needed a real Saleen Hood for their Saleen that didn't have one or someone making a clone. Don't get me wrong I profited very well from that venture as well. But I just didn't have a desire to keep it. If I wanted to make a ton I would sell my wing. But I want it for my truck.

I am not trying to make a clone of any sort. I want the one and only Explorer Street that I have. I know a few people have Explorer "Street's" now too but they look totally different than mine.

Whew, so to summarize...

I love Saleen's would buy one but I would just park it and drive very rarely and rub it with a diaper.

I would never try and clone one, you couldn't get everything you need, like Rizzo said earlier.

I feel no reason to defend my tastes, I just like to be different.

I do support that everyone can do what ever they want. Your whip is your whip, No one else's. So do what make's you happy and screw everyone else! Just take criticism for constuctive info.

*Did the same thing BM did and read this all the way through before posting*

Well, I have to be the odd duck here...I love Saleens! Never had the opportunity to see a real one in person though- Pony's is the closest I've gotten but his is beautiful too.

I like those silly little fins on the rear bumper- in my limited experience with italian exotics, fins help dissapate brake heat either by venting the air away or directing it onto rotors....Not sayin the Saleen's are that functional, but I like the idea. I happen to like the body kit, if only because I've yet to see a body kit that i like offered for us peons with regular explorers.

BUT! I agree with building up your Explorer to suit your taste, too. I mean, whoever heard of a GT edition Sport? ;) Fools a lot of people though...

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I have seen 3 XP8's in Atlanta, and ridden in 2 of them. I do like the Saleen's, but their customer service and 'better than thou' attitude as a business will run them into the ground. I thought about trading mine in a year after I bought it for an XP8, but after one phone call to Saleen for information - I decided I could build a better Explorer (with aftermarket) than what they are producing. The only thing I like about them I would still use would be the body kit and wing. Everything else is not really that impressive to me. They remind me of an Eddie Bauer - you are paying for an XLT with someone else's name embroidered into the seats, a decal set, and a body kit.

I give them credit for building a vehicle no one else wanted to touch. They put in a lot of time in design, and could have made a lot more money from them than they did. Unfortunately, they have the wrong attitude - and like Rizzo said - if they go out of business, no tears from me...

Just another opinion in the crowd... :)
