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scangauge 2 questions


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April 26, 2010
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2002 limited v8
just ordered this pretty excited casue i wont have to input anything as to the newer one's come with the xgauge. i will be using it for mpg trans and intake temp and for code reading/clearing. My question is only for 2002-2005 owners with the message center. can anyone tell me how close the numbers are between the mpg on the message center and the mpg on the scan gauge. also does it come with any mounting equip or do they except you to figure it out for yourself lol?

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It comes with double sided tape for mounting (at least from what I seeon the pictures). All it takes to mount is to find a spot plug it in and stick it down. LOL. I think they sell a bracket to mount in over the rear view mirror.

Ill Probably go with velcro to mqke it a little easier cant wait to see and use all the specs

It comes with double sided tape for mounting (at least from what I seeon the pictures). All it takes to mount is to find a spot plug it in and stick it down. LOL. I think they sell a bracket to mount in over the rear view mirror.

Fedy, when you get it let me know. You might have to program the pid code to have it read the trans temp like I did. Took some trial and error but I have the right one. The mileage function was pretty close to my message center message center would read a bit lower mileage than the scanguage. For a good clean mounting solution do a google search for scanguage blendmount.
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Here is a pic of mine with the blendmount. Doesn't get in the way and really easy to watch safely while driving. Doesn't bother me at night either.


I ran the wire up the mirror stalk, tucked it under the headliner where it meets the windshield, and behind the a-pillar panel and then up under the dash into the obd port by the parking brake release
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Ronin, do you like your scangauge? was it worth it? im really thinking about getting one! and Fedy let us know how ya like it!

Totally worth it. You get the ability to read pretty much any data the ecu you can make a guage for pretty much anything. It also let's you scan for and clear trouble codes, as well as get instantaneous fuel economy, average trip fuel economy, fuel economy on the current tank, total cost of fuel used during the current trip, etc. I love it!
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i cant wait!! think im gonna velcro it right under the heater controls i will report back when i get it it shipped today so hopefully by next week I will have it.

Ronin- do you have the message center? if so can you answer the question in first post about accuracy?

I do have a message center...I found it to be close to what the message center says (generally within 1 mpg). Usually the message center would be a bit more conservative in its mpg reading. Makes sense because my message center is fairly close when I hand calculate mpg. I'd say the scanguage is as good as hand calculation, provided you follow the scanguage calibration procedures correctly. The real advantage the scanguage gives you over the message center or hand calculation is instantaneous mpg, current trip mpg, average trip mpg, and average tank mpg...all with pretty much the same accuracy as hand calculating.
Posted via Mobile Device

thats so awesome!! with my next pay check i am definately gonna order one!

How do the scangauge compare to a Bluetooth obd2 scanner and my Android? Could anyone tell me the differences and or pros and cons of each
I can get the Bluetooth obd2 scanner is $100......

I don't know what all is in the app that comes with that bluetooth scanner so it's hard to say. That would be a pretty slick setup.

I guess one thing you should look for is to see if you have to enter PIDs every time you want to get the data you're looking for. You want it to be able to save them so that when you hook up your droid, it will display the data you want without further setup and in the format you want.

That's what scanguage does well. It has a number of standard guages but if you play around with it you can get it to tell you anything that there is a PID code for, plus it remembers it so every time you turn the truck on it displays what you want....or it is easily changed.

Another option is the MSD Dashhawk but I have not used it. Looks pretty nice and it can display more data on the screen than the scanguage, but I don't know how easy that would be to read. I know it does have a feature where you can have an alarm go off if something exceeds a certain threshold that you set, i.e., transmission gets too hot, engine starts to overheat, etc. That would be nice to have in the scanguage. More expensive than the scanguage though.

Only concern I'd have is the bluetooth transmitter. On my truck the OBD port is right in front of the parking brake release. The scanguage cable connector hangs down in front of it a bit but I bent the bracket that the port is attached to so it doesn't interfere. That bluetooth transmitter looks a lot bigger than the scangauge connector so it might require some modifications to prevent it from blocking usage of the parking brake release.

Otherwise it seems like an awesome option. I'm still in the stone age with my non-smartphone so I wouldn't be able to use it though. You should try it out!

I plan on it ASAP I live on my incredible... I have a laptop but hardly use it anymore on here I'm on my mobile 99% of the time... its just faster better and more convenient plus having free WiFi tether because its rooted is the best feature of all
on trips its hooked to the dvd player in the back to watch YouTube in the truck but passenger has internet the whole trip oh yeah plus the navigation

ok all i can say is wow!!. I got it yesterday and love everything about it. Going 40mpg on flat ground i get 25mpg!!! Another thing is the hp gauge, im not sure how accurate it is but when i romp it it says 277 horsepower!! I have a couple of videos I will post of it by the end of the day today.

mine comes with the xgauge feature and i just need to get the code from the website to u think the hp gauge is semi accurate?

Yeah it's on the website. Interestingly enough you can also get fuel pressure readings, but the code is under the listing for Ford Escape Hybrid. Weird but it works.

I am not sure how the HP function works exactly. It would need an RPM reading (which it can easily get) and it would need a torque reading. I suspect this comes from the transmission somehow. I guess since you are getting numbers then it's getting input somehow.

As far as accuracy, it depends on what you are comparing it to. If you used it to track HP gains from different mods, it might be a reliable way to do that. However, I don't think you can take the reading from the Scanguage and reliably compare it to the reading from a Dynojet dyno or an engine dyno.

I guess what I am getting at is this: It said 277! But that doesn't really mean anything for comparison unless auto manufacturers all rated their vehicles/engines using a Scanguage.

If we can figure how how the scanguage is getting data on torque being produced by the engine, and what formula it uses to calculate HP based on that, THEN we might be able to have some meaningful way of comparing it to the "standard" ways of measuring HP.

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hhmmm interesting, and engine dyno at the shops arent accurate and there is a big window for misleading data, its not pulling the weight of the car. and at idle it says im using 6 to 7 hp which i would say is accurate. Im assuming the dyno your referring to does the same thing it plugs into the obd port where it can retrieve rpm readings and torque specs, thats what all dynos will need to do, and since scangauge does that and much more i would say its pretty accurate.
