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scangauge 2 questions

i think it has a small circular hole at least that's what I can tell from the picture if its like that then i can cut a circular hole in my hood so there is still ventalation, i dont do much offroading and when i will or ever do wont be that intense that water will go over my hood, id say im a p****y when it comes to offroading i dont want to casue serious damage for having a little fun.

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Seen your truck drivining on the LIE yestarday fedy, good workk. It was by nicolas road around 5:30 i was like no way i know that truck lol

Seen your truck drivining on the LIE yestarday fedy, good workk. It was by nicolas road around 5:30 i was like no way i know that truck lol

hahah thats so funny casue as i was passing you i looked in my rearview and saw the explorer badges across the hood and could of sworn i seen that pic around here some time. i rarely see anyone on this forum driving around

i said the same exact thing.. i was actually looking for the red caps almost made me second guess myself when u didnt have them on! lol
