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Scanner selection help


New Member
November 9, 2005
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Toronto, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Explorer 4WD
I can't seem to find my OBD-II reader, so I'm looking to buy a new one.
My budget is about $200, but I would be willing to spend some more if I can realistically benefit from the extra cost. I'd appreciate some advice from those that are using scanners now.

I have a 2000 Explorer (that is currently having tranny problems, but driveable), and a 1997 Mustang Cobra that has had significant engine work done (stroked, injectors, MAF, exhaust, etc), and it doesn't start (I suspect a fuel problem, maybe pump). The Mustang currently has a Diablosport Chip module F7036 chip for the custom tune.

I've looked online at the Actron CP9180, and it seems to have a lot of what I'd like to use:
-live data stream
-freeze frame
-stored data
-PC connection (USB)
-Internet updateable

I'd be willing to spend more if I could update/delete the Diablo chip, and tune for paramters like:
-axle ratio
-fuel injector size
-fuel octane
-better ecoomy/performance

I look forward to what the experts have to report!

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Get an x-cal 2 or 3, it will run you about $400. It will do all of the diagnostic stuff, and replace your diablo chip. You can contact Jah81592 he's a vendor here on the forum and he'll take care of everything you need. You could also visit his website at

Available for laptops, Palm or Pocket PC devices; wired (RS-232 or USB) or wireless (Bluetooth). Does basic OBDII & CAN compliant sensors and optional Enhanced Interface Options. Its compatible with almost all makes now, including diesels.

You can data log real-time info and export to TXT, CSV, and XML formats with 1ms sampling accuracy. Newest version now has a Performance Analyzer.

Thanks for the suggestions. $400 + shipping + taxes is out of the budget right now, but tempting nonetheless.

Do the PC interfaces provide the same or better functionality than the hand helds? Ie, is I bought something like the Elmscan 5 instead of the Actron, do you think I'd regret it? I have a notebook PC, and am comfortable using them in this fashion, as I often did this at work.

Do the PC interfaces provide the same or better functionality than the hand helds? Ie, is I bought something like the Elmscan 5 instead of the Actron, do you think I'd regret it? I have a notebook PC, and am comfortable using them in this fashion, as I often did this at work.


I'm also wondering if getting a scanner that interfaces with a laptop would be more beneficial. Can anyone comment on this? I would think the answer would be yes because of the wider range of applications that are available, whereas a standalone scanner only has what's on the unit itself.
