school me on hankook tires... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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school me on hankook tires...

Looking at 2 flavors.

AT's for the '06 Explorer 245/70/17


MT's for new tow rig..315/70/17

Please tell thoghts and experience with these tires.


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I have the atms on my 02 ex with about 1500 miles and love them, Great traction, very little squirm and quiet, I would recommend them

Looking at 2 flavors.

AT's for the '06 Explorer 245/70/17


MT's for new tow rig..315/70/17

Please tell thoghts and experience with these tires.


Hankook Daynapro AT is what I have on the Van. I only have about 3k miles on these newest set but most of it is towing and I have no issues with them.. I'm running 265x75r16 tires with 0 lead on them. I use airsoft pellets to balance the tires.

The closest to off-road they get is TruckHaven when I Pull the X out there..

They seem to be holding up well so my next set of tires looks to be another set (I change them after 5 or so years, regardless of miles)


I have noticed low tread life with their passenger tires. 15/20k and they are smoked, but compounds could be different on them compared to the m/t's. I regularly work on a customers land cruiser that has the A/T's. They seem to last but he has a life time alignment threw my shop along with a highly maintained vehicle.

As for my personal experience ive only owned the v12 performance tires for my mazdaspeed 3. They rated good on tire rack but for a performance tire they sucked. No grip, extremely hard compound and seemed lacking. It took a 2 minute burn out to even get to 2/32" of tread after 20k of hard track use.

We put a set on our Aerostar several years ago. Don't know what series. I think I replaced 2 of them under warranty with internal breaks, and the other 2 were showing signs of doing the same. Tread life wasn't good either. Then again, they weren't the A/Ts you're considering.

Thank guys:thumbsup:
