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Active Member
March 23, 2004
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City, State
Walnut Creek, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
I've heard a lot about this stuff and was wondering where would be the best place to add it? thanks

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this topic has been discussed many time on this site. Im sure you could find what your looking for if you search this site

Thanks :)

I'm kind of a newbie at this stuff but where is the carburetor or throttle body throat?

Yeeeea i read through that thread and it just confused the sh*t out of me. Please. Just tell me where to put the seafoam and how to do it. i dont know a lot about cars and all the abbreviations and crap they used confused me. I know about apllying to the gas tank and oil. For the other applications, how do i put the seafoam in and where? thats all i want to know

That thread tells you how, it even has pics. Your truck doesn't have a carb either.

The IAC (Idle Air Control) valve hose is the best place to insert it. Its the hard plastic tube that comes off your intake hose. The intake hose is the big (3-4 inches) hose that hooks to your air filter box. I haven't seen a 91 Explorer under the hood in a long time, but there should be a hard plastic hose coming off that intake hose to pour the seafoam into. That thread has pics that should help you, along with the process. I believe its on page 5, if memory serves.

This hose?


No. That's the breather hose for the oil pan. Find the vac line that leads to the underside of the Throttle Body. Disconnect it at the joint after it leads out from under the TB. The joint is apporximately behind the driver side headlight. Put the end of the line in the can of Seafoam, and let it suck the liquid out, while someone works the throttle from inside the car.

Oh, and it's "insertion", not "incertion". ;)

Goonowsky said:
Yeeeea i read through that thread and it just confused the sh*t out of me. Please. Just tell me where to put the seafoam and how to do it. i dont know a lot about cars and all the abbreviations and crap they used confused me. I know about apllying to the gas tank and oil. For the other applications, how do i put the seafoam in and where? thats all i want to know

Woah, someone from Walnut Creek! My hometown!

Uh, the gas & oil is about as far as I got with the Seafoam as well. I'm thinking about taking some photos under the hood and asking someone to circle the insertion points. :)

The first picture shows the brake booster hose; this is a suitable insertion point.

In the next pictures shows ( my preferred ) the IAC hose insertion point. Its the hose with the hose clamps. The tube is hard plastic. The last picture shows where this hose terminates under the IAC valve.


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Whoa there. Time out you all. Huh? :confused: First of all,
1) Maybe I have had too much medication, but 1st gens don't have any such tube going to their IAC. All they have is a breather hose.
2) I thought the general consensus was to use either the **TB vac line** or the brake booster hose. What's this about IAC??? :confused: I must be out of the loop now.

Rhett said:
Whoa there. Time out you all. Huh? :confused: First of all,
1) Maybe I have had too much medication, but 1st gens don't have any such tube going to their IAC. All they have is a breather hose.
2) I thought the general consensus was to use either the **TB vac line** or the brake booster hose. What's this about IAC??? :confused: I must be out of the loop now.

Sorry my pics are indeed for a second generation. I have never seen under the hood of a first generation.

The second generation TB has no hose on it.

Sorry for any confusion.

Al, I had not heard of using any line going to the IAC. I must have missed that somewhere.

been reading about this sea foam stuff but you all seem to know quite a bit.. where would be the place to put it on a 93 explorer i just bought one has no real troubles but has a rough idle. if anyone could give me a few tips i'd appreciate it! thanks!

GRainMOnkey said:
been reading about this sea foam stuff but you all seem to know quite a bit.. where would be the place to put it on a 93 explorer i just bought one has no real troubles but has a rough idle. if anyone could give me a few tips i'd appreciate it! thanks!

j602 said:
No. That's the breather hose for the oil pan. Find the vac line that leads to the underside of the Throttle Body. Disconnect it at the joint after it leads out from under the TB. The joint is apporximately behind the driver side headlight. Put the end of the line in the can of Seafoam, and let it suck the liquid out, while someone works the throttle from inside the car.

Just read up a few posts. ;)

so just let it suck a whole can in? and is that a whole can in the oil and in the gas or half a can in both... a wee bit lost :eek:

GRainMOnkey said:
so just let it suck a whole can in? and is that a whole can in the oil and in the gas or half a can in both... a wee bit lost :eek:

All of the answers are posted above.

I do not use any iin the oil.

Seafoam works best with upright carburated motors ....

Deep Creep (Exact same thing in an aerosol) works best with fuel injection and 'sideways' mounted carbs ....

Make a small hole at an angle in the intake tube right in front of the throttle body and seal it when done (I use a little dab of Seal All, it holds well yet can be easily removed) ... start out spraying bursts while using the throttle to keep it from dying .... then up the RPMS and let it rip for 10-15 seconds then release the throttle (but keep spraying full bore) and let the motor bog down and die ... let sit for half an hour then start and drive ... I usually try to use half a can

The only better way to do it on fuel injection is a 50-50 mix of seafoam and gas applied directly in the fuel rail ... not practical for the vast majority of us

I used to have a rig for outboard motors that fit between the fuel connector on the motor and the fuel line that was basically a Y that would switch the fuel off and the 50-50 seafoam mix on but found the Deep Creep to work as well and it's a lot easier spraying it right into the (sidemount) carb ... and you don't need a different rig for every style of outboard fuel connector ....

Water will also clean out carbon as anyone whose had an outboard headgasket leaking between the cylinder and the water ports ... that cylinder will be really clean while the rest will be carboned up .... I just confirmed a bad head gasket on my 15 HP by removing the exhaust port cover and seeing the bottom cylinder was clean as a whistle ... the leak in the head gasket was so small that the only symptom was a 'lean sneeze' that I couldn't track down looking at the usual suspects (leaky fuel connectors, bad pump/check valve, carb gasket leaks, overseated idle mixture needle etc)

The way I did it was to use a tube and connect it to the spare connector on the vaccume tree. Then I have my wife keep the rpms at 2000 wile I pour the seafoam into a small funnel connected to said tube. I pour steadily and enough that the vac doesn't get air until the entire contents of can are gone. It smokes enough to where the neighbors thought my X was on fire. When can is empty I shut down wait 5 min and then drive until the smoke stops.

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Brett F. said:
The way I did it was to use a tube and connect it to the spare connector on the vaccume tree. Then I have my wife keep the rpms at 2000 wile I pour the seafoam in

And a little tip here:
You don't need another person to work the can work it yourself by grabbing the throttle lever on the side of the throttle body while you're under the hood.
