Serial numbers on 6 disk changers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Serial numbers on 6 disk changers?


New Member
July 17, 2007
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City, State
Orland Park, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 XLT
My 03 explorer 6 disk changer won't eject or play my cd's. Called ford, they want $350 to repair it, no thanks. I checked ebay and found a couple that look just like mine, but different serial number. Can someone explain to me the difference and tell me what's compatible with my explorer or direct me to a website that will explain it to me? My serial number is 3L2T-18C815-FA. The ones I've found on ebay that look the same, have 3 plugs in the back are serial number 1L2F-18C815-BD, is that compatible?

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My 03 explorer 6 disk changer won't eject or play my cd's. Called ford, they want $350 to repair it, no thanks. I checked ebay and found a couple that look just like mine, but different serial number. Can someone explain to me the difference and tell me what's compatible with my explorer or direct me to a website that will explain it to me? My serial number is 3L2T-18C815-FA. The ones I've found on ebay that look the same, have 3 plugs in the back are serial number 1L2F-18C815-BD, is that compatible?

I've got one out of a 2nd gen. I'll look tonight and see if its the same. Is yours indash or in the center console?

CD-6 Radio Interchange

The numbers you are using are part numbers, not serial numbers. The 3L2T-FA is a "Mach" version CD-6 radio for a 2003 Explorer. The 1L2F-BD radio is a "Mach" version CD-6 radio for a 2002 Explorer. The 1L2F-BD model should be a straight plug-in swap, and should work fine in your vehicle.




Its the center console.

Thanks for the info Jeff. Is there a website you got this info from of just general knowledge? Was just curious about the different radios they offer.

Coins in my changer.

My changer quit ejecting the cartridge a while back too. I went without it for months. Then my uncle told me he had the same issue. Took it to the dealer and they found a few quarters had dropped into it from the coin holder inside the arm rest. I took mine out and took the case off of the changer. Sure enough there were 2 or 3 quarters in the mechanism. It took me about an hour, not knowing exactly what I was doing.

I made a mistake, mine is an indash 6 disk player. For some reason I wasn't thinking at the time. It's not in the console.
