Shock too Short? (f-250 shock mount) | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shock too Short? (f-250 shock mount)

...Any updates on this project?..:popcorn:

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Why hasn't anybody mounted these in front of the coil buckets and weld tabs in the front of the beam for the lower shock mount so they don't have to deal with rivets and cutting the stock. Coil bUcket?
That's my plan. I'll likely need to sleeve the frame but I'd of done that for either side it's mounted on.

Why hasn't anybody mounted these in front of the coil buckets and weld tabs in the front of the beam for the lower shock mount so they don't have to deal with rivets and cutting the stock. Coil bUcket?
That's my plan. I'll likely need to sleeve the frame but I'd of done that for either side it's mounted on.

My guess is because you have to put it way out there in front of the coil which means a really long mount/tabs on the front of the beam. You will also have to move the brake line as it is in front of the coil too...


easy peasy stuff, brake line should be relo'd anyway. Ford put em on the wrong side...shock should work with more efficiency further forward of the motor.

easy peasy stuff, brake line should be relo'd anyway. Ford put em on the wrong side...shock should work with more efficiency further forward of the motor.

Post shots once you do it... Who knows.. maybe others will go that way.. Right now, everyone is cutting/welding/bolting the f-250 mount behind the spring... including myself...

So far this setup has been working really well.. The only issue I can think of is with all the droop I have I can get the shock body to just hit the RA... Granted the rs9000's I'm running have a pretty big body... I haven't decided what I'm going to run for shocks once these are worn out... I do need something with more rebound dampening...


Post shots once you do it... Who knows.. maybe others will go that way.. Right now, everyone is cutting/welding/bolting the f-250 mount behind the spring... including myself...

So far this setup has been working really well.. The only issue I can think of is with all the droop I have I can get the shock body to just hit the RA... Granted the rs9000's I'm running have a pretty big body... I haven't decided what I'm going to run for shocks once these are worn out... I do need something with more rebound dampening...


The shocks should run at a much cooler temp in front of the motor.
Will do, I plan to do a build thread when i find the time. I plan to run a fox 2.0 resi x 12" travel with the f250 shock brackets... till I have the time to build an engine cage to run my 14" king coilovers with the threat motorsports beams I had built.
