Should I go from 255s to 275s? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Should I go from 255s to 275s?

I've done a bunch of searching, but could not find the answers to my questions. I've got the stock 255/70/16 tires now and I'm thinking of going to 275/70/16. From what I've read I don't have to worry about rubbing (I will not be lifting the X).

My questions are:

1) Will my alredy poor gas mileage suffer?
2) Will they be worse in the snow (thinner is better)?
3) Will I loose any of the power?

The tires aren't much bigger but I want a beefier look.


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1) Depends on your gearing and how you drive - if you have a 3.73 or 4.10 it may improve mileage, if your gearing is higher it may worsen.
2) Depends on the type and depth of the snow. That close in size, the tread design will make more difference than size.
3) Yes. It is 4% bigger in size, so it will feel like a reduction in power (about 8-9 hp).

Hmm....all seem like good reasons to stay with the stock size.

I got some 265/75r16's in my for-sale thread if you are interested

In regards to # 2 , it will depend on what you are coming from and going to. My stock tires were the Wranger RT/S's , 235/15's, they SUCKED in snow. Now I have Perelli Scorpion A/T's in 31"X10.5/15's and they are just great in the snow, like Gjarret said, if you are going to a more agressive tread, your snow performance may improve over stock..

The loss of power and gas mileage was too much for me so I decided to order a set of the stock (255/70/16) size. Also, shops around me have a real problem with putting anything on that is not listed in the computer.
