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yea you should absolutley get a look at the 20's how they sit at stock height.. good idea !!!

i like the rims to...


Yeah, stock height is looking like a good option. I love the rims! So classy looking there not ugly by any means...

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My truck will be completely different this summer fully street.

everytime I see your X I get more and more upset my deal on an identical X (00 LTD V8 in pearl White) fell through :(

Maybe I'll force my wife to get one when we upgrade from the 93

everytime I see your X I get more and more upset my deal on an identical X (00 LTD V8 in pearl White) fell through :(

Maybe I'll force my wife to get one when we upgrade from the 93

I'm a sucker for white they make sexy ass trucks :salute: Thanks for the complement.

Repainted the 16s silver and refitted them today.



I must say I like the way these rims look a lot more.

I'm still dreaming the council ebrake setup. Let me see through a dealer parts manager I know if he can get the parts for me. You know what would be the easiest, do you mind pm'ing me your VIN?

I'm a sucker for white they make sexy ass trucks :salute: Thanks for the complement.

Yeah, white does make for nice trucks. Silver was the closest thing I could find to white.

im a fan of white myself, but when just regular around town driving they get dirty way to fast... but on the flip side to that - white encourages the owner to take good care of the vehicle which is never a bad thing !!!! i know im NUCKING FUTS !!!!! when it comes to makin sure my X runs like a champ...

+1 for white X's looking good !

+1 for good upkeep !



X looks sick dude !!! - put a black WESTIN BULL BAR w/ some lights, and some lights on your roof rack...

HOLY WOW !!!!! - i wouldt think twice about taking it if i saw it lol

great job !!!


my ex

I guess it is a NBX i didnt even know lol none of my stuff said that its just said xlt! haha so thanx for the info n i have added lights to the rack i just havin got a pic of it yet...thanx for the compliments guys!


What happened ^^ ? :D

I got a shot in the small mud puddle next door... the neighborhood "kids" promised to show me where the real mud is. I just have to get out of there before the man hands out fines...

(That asphalt is city property, the mud there is county property - silly)


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What is done to this red explorer above me what size tire rims where did you get that push bar sick explorer

haha :) believe me, it's been a pain in the @$$... 265/70 Mickey Thompson Baja MTZ on 17" American RS - used to be chromes, but due to a mishap, I had them powdercoated. I miss the chromes. All my cb antennas are off, but there's a holder for each corner and the top... that was the fun part. I got some muddin' to go do (lightweight) then I can put up a pic...

no lift thats stk with 265 tires

Ops, nah that's 2.75" front and 1.5" rear Coilsprings... no rubbing, no clearance issues. The 2006 mirrors (90% of the changes are from other members' ideas). K&N to Magnaflow...

Yea bro Donner did that bumper complete custom - thats why its so sick !!

Thanks! And you can change the light bulbs w/o removing the entire light assembly. I'm supposed to add those red and black hids where the KCs are, but man, $99.00 each??

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you think 265 75 16's would work with a 3'' spacer in front and 1.5'' in back
