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Show Off Your MOUNTY!

:shifty_ey Dude...WTF? Do you realize that the pictures in the post you quoted is of a Mountaineer? Look again... :crazy:

You mean that round thingie in the vertical grill is a Merc emblem? :confused: I'm so confused :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Xan, your rims are awesome, i've never seen those before, they look really mean on the mountaineer, and your truck has the perfect rake to it. I Love it!

Xan, your rims are awesome, i've never seen those before, they look really mean on the mountaineer, and your truck has the perfect rake to it. I Love it!

I try haha, Thanks! :D The rims were an experment, I had 20s on there and i liked the look but i din't like the drain on preformance, braking, and gas milage plus i had to clean em all the time haha. My cousin bought a 300c which is the same bolt pattern so i sold the 20s to him and bought these from my friend who was selling his 73 mercury montego.
I like em alot, i get tons of complaments, and i love siting low again (plus more power and econ, and brakes like a champ again). That and it looks like it sounds, maybe i should figure out the vid. cam and make a exhaust video next.

I saw those same style of rims on a expo and I really liked the the way the offset looked with the tires he had...

updating my Mounty Pic... Repainted the Cowl hood with a little air brushing added.. no more Running board. Factory Explorer rocker covers.




That hood looks incredible!!!! I want it. And the 5.0 on it is awesome.

updating my Mounty Pic... Repainted the Cowl hood with a little air brushing added.. no more Running board. Factory Explorer rocker covers.




nice mounty my friend

That hood looks amazing, where did you get it?

Looking at it again, is the whole side of the scoop painted a greyish purple? With an orange sky and tornado?? Or is that just a reflection?

updating my Mounty Pic... Repainted the Cowl hood with a little air brushing added.. no more Running board. Factory Explorer rocker covers.




Very effing sweet. I need that.
I need it bad.


That hood looks amazing, where did you get it?

The Hood is from Explorer Express. It looks great but it needs lots of work to get it right. The hood needs tons or body work to get it to fit right and needs an extra metal brace made. And Might as well face the fact that you will have to have it painted twice... Only after painting will the air pockets in the Fiberglass show there ugly face...

Mounty71, I didnt notice that before thats just a reflection.. The color on the side of the cowl is the same dark green as the lower section on my mounty.

The Hood is from Explorer Express. It looks great but it needs lots of work to get it right. The hood needs tons or body work to get it to fit right and needs an extra metal brace made. And Might as well face the fact that you will have to have it painted twice... Only after painting will the air pockets in the Fiberglass show there ugly face...

Cool, I never saw that on thier site. I guess the only time I go there is when I get the supercharger bug:D After hearing your experience with it, I'll probably stick to my original plan of going with the Sport Trac front clip and Perrys fenders.

ok, i suck at doin this whole pic thing plus i'm not elite yet so here's a link to my Mount. Shes got some decent stuff on her and more is coming of course.....:D

That's very nice Kris, I didn't know what color of Mountaineer you got. I have a new grille in the box like that.

FYI, there was another member with a blue hood like that for sale over a year ago, he wanted something like $400 for it then. Regards,

nice mountys u all got here keep up the good work fellas



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That's very nice Kris, I didn't know what color of Mountaineer you got. I have a new grille in the box like that.

If you ever wanna Get rid of that grill let me know.. I got a few chips in my Grill already...
