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side pipes


May 10, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
grandy, nc
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 sport trac V8 4X4
theres not much going on for 2007 sport tracs. they have been out about 1 year, but no speed parts. i would realy like side pipes. i did not order running boards, so i have the space.

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A nice set could really look good on a ST... Good idea. Maybe you could modify another set to work?

thanks rick, i thought about trying it myself but i want a suttle factory look. body color fiberglass panel to hide pipe and frame, and distintive chrome tip or tips. truck runs strong but always want more. would like some sound too.

gibson has a kit i've been eyeing for a custom job that i think is made for a dodge ram, but its two slant cut rectangles side by side (much like the ones in the middle of the picture). maybe rip that whole thing apart and add some pipe in the middle as needed.

what about dual exhaust

Don't think I want side pipes but what about dual exhaust. Maybe twin outlets out both side in rear? Anyone try that yet. Gas tank gonna make things difficult?

I asked a guy that installs pipes & he said there isn't enough room to run duals. Sorry.
I was going to run duals on mine too.

still no duals

there is plenty of room for duals outside the frame. mine has no side step so the frame shows. side pipes would hide frame as well. i ordered my st before they were available at dealership, didnt know frame showed or might have ordered step. 30,000 miles and still love truck. will run it ass off and still get 20 mpg. i also have a 2007 mustang gt convertable, but drive st 6 times as much.

The problem with duals is not clearance through the rear suspension, the single pipe has to go through the left side anyway. It is where do you cross over a pipe from the cat to the right side plus the gas tank is in the way. If you cross over behind the gas tank then the driveshaft is in the way. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it'd be tight and you might have clearance issues.

there are cats on both sides, just turn out behind front wheels and run true duals outside frame rails.

Okay. We got 8" of snow today and I wasn't going outside to look. :D :p:

i am going to do it soon. wish someone would make a kit to make easy. plan to buy 09 sta and do same. anyone want my 07 with 30,000 miles, no damage. dark stone out, light stone in, sunroof.

you need to move to the sunny south. i waxed one of my boats outside today.

It was 90 here today, guess winter is gone.

Gonna be -38C here tonight on the shores of the Bay of Fundy with the windchill factored in... and tomorrow, and Saturday, and Sunday.... ARRRGGGHHHH.

... the sooner it comes, the sooner it goes.
Only 4 more months to motorcyle season.

