Side View Mirror Compatibility Between 1st and 2nd Gen Explorers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Side View Mirror Compatibility Between 1st and 2nd Gen Explorers?


Active Member
April 12, 2007
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Monterey, CA
City, State
Monterey, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
The two side view mirrors on my '94 Explorer are suffering from the common flaking problem, and look terrible. I can paint or replace, and I am first opting for replacement. Used ones on the auction sites look to be in about the same condition as mine, so this is not an option. I haven't been able to find any new replacements through the usual websites, but they seem to be readily available for the 2nd generation Explorers. The 2nd generation mirrors look similar. Does anybody know if they are compatible with 1st generation? If not, does anybody know where I can find new replacements for my 1st generation? Thanks!

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2nd gen mirror are 100% compatible. It does take some custom wiring if you go the route I did.

They also have a slightly larger mirror, which was a nice upgrade.


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Thanks very much for the information. Where did you source your mirrors? The big websites all seem to have them, but I’m weary of getting something cheap that won’t fit right or last. If I get mirrors without heat or the puddle lights, do you think they will plug directly into my stock connectors? Finally, did you paint your new mirrors?

I put a 2nd gen mirror on one of my 1st gen Explorers, not a heated mirror & no puddle light. The downside: it was an aftermarket replacement and nowhere near as good as a stock Ford mirror.

Thanks very much for the information. Where did you source your mirrors? The big websites all seem to have them, but I’m weary of getting something cheap that won’t fit right or last. If I get mirrors without heat or the puddle lights, do you think they will plug directly into my stock connectors? Finally, did you paint your new mirrors?

I pulled them off a 1998 Mercury Mountaineer that I am using the 5.0 for another project. I'm not sure if the plugs will be the same with out the heat/light. I have power mirrors, and I was able to modify the harness to make them wok, and pick up power for the puddle light from the light on the interior door panel. I did not paint them.

I put a 2nd gen mirror on one of my 1st gen Explorers, not a heated mirror & no puddle light. The downside: it was an aftermarket replacement and nowhere near as good as a stock Ford mirror.
Thanks for the information!

Many of the aftermarket mirrors do not adjust to the same full range positions as OEM mirrors. I have them on my 99 truck, which has 93 doors and the body.

The electrical connections may be the same but it's all about the features of the two vehicles the mirrors were made for. The 95-01 Limited's all have heated glass, so you may have to source the door side connector from a 2nd gen if you want to add the heat or puddle light function. I've bought a few new and used Limited mirrors, for my several 2nd gens. Shop around, the OEM mirrors are still worth going after, new or used.

I just bought an OE pair on Ebay for $50. They fit fine and are significantly lighter than my originals. They came from a 98 5.0 explorer and while the connectors were similar the tabs were mismatched on one side. I shaved it off cleanly and it slid in fine and stays aligned thanks the one remaining pin. I researched this topic as well and did not expect to have connector mismatches but I also attribute it to the fact my explorer is an early 91. Also, the used mirrors did not move when I first plugged them in. Im sure they were somewhat seized but eventually they began working up/down and left/right.

The two side view mirrors on my '94 Explorer are suffering from the common flaking problem, and look terrible. I can paint or replace, and I am first opting for replacement. Used ones on the auction sites look to be in about the same condition as mine, so this is not an option. I haven't been able to find any new replacements through the usual websites, but they seem to be readily available for the 2nd generation Explorers. The 2nd generation mirrors look similar. Does anybody know if they are compatible with 1st generation? If not, does anybody know where I can find new replacements for my 1st generation? Thanks!

junk yard pulls my recent problem was the door switch that isn't compatible with 2nd gen I pulled 3 and a 2nd gen the pcb gets beat up in the switch and looses ground the flakey material I just used a hot flat based grill paint on the exterior but I advise a better automotive flat because the flat grill paint looses ground also in a short few seasons he ha there out there nicks and bungs you can sand that a lil and the wipers he ha
