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Rattle coming from under front of vehicle

Hi, Did you have any success? Cause I have probably the same issue: shock absorbers, driveshafts, strut mounts, control arms and bearings as well as wheel hubs replaced. bang noise is still there and increasing. Dealership has no idea and meanwhile I am afraid of using the car. They said the engine and transmission mounts were okay, but they did not remove them.. this is my last hope.

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The movement of the engine and noise are the same so I'm assuming it's going to be a mount. (Think the drivetrain warranty covers them) on the attached video of you listen closely they seem to be in sync someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

Any updates?

Hi, Did you have any success? Cause I have probably the same issue: shock absorbers, driveshafts, strut mounts, control arms and bearings as well as wheel hubs replaced. bang noise is still there and increasing. Dealership has no idea and meanwhile I am afraid of using the car. They said the engine and transmission mounts were okay, but they did not remove them.. this is my last hope.
Any updates on yours?

Any updates on yours?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Don't be surprised if you don't get replies from those 2 members. JDM22 was last seen here on May 12, 2019, and Klaus on Feb. 1, 2021.
Do you have Ford dealerships where you are or are they Explorers all imported?


The movement of the engine and noise are the same so I'm assuming it's going to be a mount. (Think the drivetrain warranty covers them) on the attached video of you listen closely they seem to be in sync someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

Hi guys does anyone have the solution to what this is. I have the exact same issue and it is really frustrating.

Please anyone at all

If it’s related to the motor moving it’s almost surely the mounts.

Hi guys does anyone have the solution to what this is. I have the exact same issue and it is really frustrating.

Please anyone at all
Welcome to the forum. :wave:
I deleted the other post as it was the same and the member you quoted was last seen here on May 12, 2019 so likely isn't following the thread.


If it’s related to the motor moving it’s almost surely the mounts.
I've changed all 3 motor mounts, sway bar links, inner and outer tie rods, lower control arm bushings. I've inspected the struts and nothing.

Transmission mount?

Transmission mount?
I have just replaced that a few days ago and nothing. The rattle noise almost sounds "boxy" like. Going over dirt and gravel you can hear it and kind of feel it under your feet at times. It could also sound like some type of bar rattling/shaking while going over a bump. I checked the exhaust system, heat shields, sway bar mounts, tubing running to the back.

I had someone shake the vehicle while I'm under there to hear but it does not happen when I rock the car, only while driving over bumps this happens

Might check the air duct underneath, held on by 3 wing nuts.
Mine was hanging down after I changed the oil.

Might check the air duct underneath, held on by 3 wing nuts.
Mine was hanging down after I changed the oil.
Hi David

Could you send a picture or some type of representation to show where is this located?

The noise is definitely coming from somewhere within the engine bay.

*As a side note im taking the car in to ford tomorrow for the rear toelink recall. I also noticed that the rear sway bar links are gone bad and do make some noise when I rock the back. I will definately change this next. Could this noise or rattle from the rear Translate and make it sound like the noise is coming from the front while seated inside the vehicle ???

Hi David

Could you send a picture or some type of representation to show where is this located?

The noise is definitely coming from somewhere within the engine bay.

*As a side note im taking the car in to ford tomorrow for the rear toelink recall. I also noticed that the rear sway bar links are gone bad and do make some noise when I rock the back. I will definately change this next. Could this noise or rattle from the rear Translate and make it sound like the noise is coming from the front while seated inside the vehicle ???
Do you have the Sport or the tow package? You haven't added which trim you have.
Have a look at this picture and the thread it's in. Lower grille cutout?


Do you have the Sport or the tow package? You haven't added which trim you have.
Have a look at this picture and the thread it's in. Lower grille cutout?


My explorer definately does not have this. I have the 3.5L V6 limited. No tow package on mine

I finally found the solution!!! After 4 months of searching I decided to go through replacing everything one by one. I luckily started with the control arms and there you go... the lower control arm ball joints were gone... great full for the journey and happy for the solution.

I tried to inspect it with all methods seen on YouTube however it took me having to Loosen it completely and rattle the ball joints on both passenger and driver side to find out its damaged.

I hope this helps someone out there!!!! Thanks guys for all messages

